Free Fire is one of the most played mobile battle royale titles in the world. The game has grown significantly in the last few years and was even the recipient of the Mobile Game of the Year award at the Esports Awards 2020.
Free Fire's characters are one of the features that make the game so popular. Each character in the game possesses a special ability that helps players beat their opponents on the battleground more efficiently. Some characters can be purchased by spending diamonds, while others can be acquired using gold coins.
Free Fire allows players to use multiple abilities at once, thereby creating a character combination of sorts. They need to purchase skill slots by spending diamonds or gold coins. It is important to note that a combination can include only one active ability.
This article provides players with three best Free Fire character combinations using gold.
Best character combinations using gold in Free Fire
#1 Hayato + Kelly + Moco + Paloma

- Hayato – Bushido
- Kelly – Dash
- Moco – Hacker's eye
- Paloma – Arms-dealing
Hayato's ability, called Bushido, increases the player's armor penetration with a decrease in the HP. This can be quite useful in close-range encounters. While Hayato inflicts maximum damage on opponents, Kelly's ability Dash can outmaneuver them.

Moco's ability, called Hacker's Eye, tags opponents for a specific duration and will give teammates information about the other team's location. Meanwhile, Paloma's Arms-dealing ability will allow the player to carry 30 extra AR ammo without consuming any inventory space.

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#2 Antonio + Kla + Andrew + Hayato

- Antonio – Gangster's Spirit
- Kla – Muay Thai
- Andrew – Armor Specialist
- Hayato – Bushido

The combination can be quite good for the clash squad mode as Antonio's ability, called Gangster's Spirit, will give the player extra HP at the beginning of a round.
Kla's ability, on the other hand, can be used by players in melee combat as it enables the player to knock out opponents in a single punch when at the maximum level

While Hayato's ability will increase armor penetration, Andrew's ability will decrease the loss of vest durability.
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#3 Miguel + Moco + Laura + Hayato

- Miguel – Crazy Slayer
- Moco – Hacker's eye
- Laura – Sharp Shooter
- Hayato – Bushido

Meanwhile, Miguel's Crazy Slayer ability will allow the player to regain a certain amount of EP on every kill. This will later be converted to HP whenever it isn't full.
Hayato's ability will then increase the armor penetration of the opponent by 8% for every 10% decrease in the player's maximum HP.

The abilities of Moco and Laura complement each other. While Sharpshooter increases accuracy while scoped in, Hacker's Eye will tag opponents for a specific duration, enabling the player to easily win long-range fights.
Note: Character combinations are subjective and are influenced by the preference of the players. This article reflects the personal views of the author.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.