Characters and pets are a crucial component of Garena Free Fire, as their abilities and skills can shift the course of a match. Over the updates, the developers have added new ones to expand the overall options available to players.
If they wish to win matches and progress through the tiers, selecting the appropriate characters and pets in the battle royale title is advised. However, the wide variety of possibilities could leave them uncertain as to which one to choose.
Disclaimer: The list below is based on the writer’s opinion, and the user’s choice may vary depending upon their preference and playing style.
Three most potent Free Fire character and pet combinations (August 2022)
3) Chrono/other active characters + Rockie
Chrono: Time Turner

Chrono's ability creates an impenetrable force field that blocks 800 damage. Users from within it cannot attack foes that are outside. The effect of the field runs for four seconds, and there is a 160-second cooldown later applied.
At the max level, the duration is increased to six seconds, whereas the cooldown comes down to 110 seconds.
Rockie: Stay Chill

Rockie’s Stay Chill lowers the cooldown time of the equipped active skill by 6%, which eventually becomes 15% at its highest level.
This combination will work well as Rockie will reduce the cooldown time of Chrono’s ability. However, gamers can replace Chrono with other characters possessing an active skill in Free Fire if they do not prefer the in-game persona of Cristiano Ronaldo.
2) Skyler + Mr. Waggor
Skyler: Riptide Rhythm

Skyler releases a sonic wave, damaging five gloo walls in a 50m range. There’s an 85-second cooldown after each usage of the ability. Furthermore, each gloo wall player's deploy will result in HP recovery starting at four points.
Upon taking the character to the highest level, the range will rise to 100 meters, and the cooldown will reduce to 60 seconds. The health recovery will begin at four points.
Mr. Waggor: Smooth Gloo

With Mr. Waggor, one gloo wall will be produced every 120 seconds when the user has no gloo walls with them. At the peak level, the pet will generate one gloo wall every 100 seconds if players have less than two gloo walls.
Mr. Waggor would be an excellent fit for Skyler since it provides gloo walls, assuring gamers do not go without the particular utility item. They will be able to employ gloo walls on the battlefield to regenerate HP due to Riptide Rhythm.
1) K + Ottero
K: Master of All

K has the Master of All ability that raises the max EP by 50, and there are also two modes: Jiu-jitsu and Psychology. The former provides a 500% increase in the conversion rate, while Psychology leads to the recovery of 3 EP every 2.2 seconds, up to 150 EP.
There is a mode switch cooldown of 3 seconds. With level up, only Psychology mode is affected, and at the maximum level, players can get 3 EP every second, up to 250 EP.
Ottero: Double Blubber

Double Blubber of Ottero will recover some EP after players utilize a Treatment Pistol or medkit. The amount of EP recovered is 35% of the HP restored from the healing items. At the maximum level, the EP recovered would become 65%.
Essentially, Ottero will provide K with EP, which users can later convert into HP using the Jiu-jitsu mode. Individuals can also replace the particular pet with Agent Hop as it would play a similar role.
Note: Free Fire is banned in India, and players from the nation must not play the battle royale title on their devices. However, they may play FF MAX since it was not suspended within the country.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.