In Free Fire, players can combine the abilities of multiple characters (character combinations), including one active and three passive ones. Creating appropriate combos can be pretty helpful for players and increase their chances of getting the Booyah!

DJ Alok is arguably the best character in the game, and his ability creates an aura of 5m which increases the ally movement speed by 10%. Moreover, 5 HP gets restored, and these effects last for 5 seconds.
As the character reaches his maximum level, the duration increases to 10 seconds and the rise in the speed becomes 15%.
Note: This article is based on the writer's preference, and no characters have been repeated in this list to provide players with a broader range of options. Users can mix and match characters to form combinations based on their preferences and playing styles.
Top three Free Fire character combinations for DJ Alok
1) DJ Alok + Jota + Jai + Hayato

Jota: Sustained Raids
Jai: Raging Reload
Hayato: Bushido

Jota has an ability, "Sustained Raids," which gives players 40 health after they kill a foe using either Submachine Guns (SMGs) or Shotguns (SGs). It is worth noting that there's a cooldown of five seconds on this skill.
Raging Reload is Jai's passive ability and is restricted to the weapons of the AR, Pistol, SMG, and SG categories. After gamers knock down a foe, it automatically reloads a gun of the previously mentioned classes by 45% of its maximum magazine storage.

Using Hayato's Bushido, the armor penetration will be increasing by 10% with every 10% reduction in the maximum HP. If users own the awakened version of the character, the frontal damage is reduced as well.
Also read: Top 3 reasons to get Jai character before it's removed from Free Fire Store
2) DJ Alok + D-bee + Luqueta + Moco

D-bee: Bullet Beats
Luqueta: Hat Trick
Moco: Hacker's Eye
D-bee is the latest character added to Garena's battle royale sensation. Its passive ability raises the movement speed and accuracy by 15% and 35%, respectively, when the players are firing while they move.

Players can increase their max HP by 18 up to 35 by getting a kill if they have the Hat Trick skill equipped. Therefore, after two kills, users' maximum health will increase to 235.
Hacker's Eye tags enemies shot for five seconds. Teammates are also given the location of the foe, allowing the whole squad to make their move.
Also read: How to claim Free Fire rewards from region-specific redeem codes
3) DJ Alok + Laura + Dasha + Shirou

Laura: Sharp Shooter
Dasha: Partying On
Shirou: Damage Delivered
The players' accuracy, via Laura's Sharp Shooter skill, is boosted by 35% while they are scoped in. As a result, they will become more accurate when engaging in combat against foes.

Dasha's skill reduces fall damage taken by 50% and recovery time from the falls by 80%. Additionally, the rate of recoil buildup and maximum recoil are reduced by 10%.

Using the Damage Delivered ability of Shirou, a foe within 80m is tagged for 6 seconds when they hit the player. The first shot on them has 100% increased armor penetration, and this skill has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
Note: All abilities stated in this article are at the maximum level of each character.
Also read: Top 5 rarest Free Fire emotes as of July 2021
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