DJ Alok is one of the most sought after Free Fire characters, particularly for his outstanding ability, Drop the Beat.
Characters in Free Fire have special abilities, but DJ Alok's skills are a cut above the rest. His healing ability constantly boosts HP while fighting and also boosts movement speed allies, giving them an edge on the ground.
Free Fire is thriving globally, and new players are joining the game every day. However, beginners often get confused while purchasing characters. It is highly recommended that they opt for DJ Alok to get maximum results.
This article explains some of the major reasons why DJ Alok should be purchased in Free Fire
Why should players buy DJ Alok in Free Fire?
1) Ability of DJ Alok

Ability: Drop the Beat
Skill Type: Active
Drop the Beat is DJ Alok's active ability, which generates a 5m aura that enhances teammates' movement speed by 10% and regenerates 5 HP/s for five seconds.
At the maximum level, Alok's skill improves ally movement speed by 15% and heals 5 HP/s for 10 seconds (Level 6).
2) Versatility on the ground

DJ Alok is one of the most versatile characters on the ground. He is suitable for both passive and aggressive styles of gaming.
Aggressive players in Clash Squad mode can enable Alok's healing and movement speed bonus while rushing towards enemies. Meanwhile, passive players can use their skills to escape any fight or to heal faster amidst a battle.
DJ Alok's skill is also suitable for close, mid as well as long-range fights.
3) The best choice for any skill combo

DJ Alok is the best choice for any skill combo. His healing and movement speed skills complement the abilities of other characters substantially.
For example, a combination of Alok, Moco, Jai, and Hayato will be great for Clash Squad mode as well as the Ranked mode.
Moco marks enemies for a specific time period when they are shot. Jai reloads ammunition of particular weapon categories automatically. Hayato’s ability, on the other hand, increases armor penetration. Meanwhile, Alok heals players and boosts their movement speed.
Note: This article solely reflects the author's individual opinion. The opinions of the reader may vary.
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