Playing passively in Free Fire means avoiding direct conflict, which in itself is a conflict of interest while pushing rank. Players earn limited points, which makes it harder to rank faster.
Additionally, this also hampers skill growth and gunplay. Sooner or later, combat will come into the picture and without practice, it will end in disaster. To avoid this scenario, here are a few mistakes that passive players should avoid.
Top 3 mistakes passive Free Fire players need to avoid during rank push
1) Camping too often
Camping is a great strategy in Free Fire. Players can hold structures or strategic points for as long as possible. At times when opponents cross paths, players can attempt to get an elimination as well.
However, this concept works well in theory. When it comes to practical application, the chances of an opponent wandering into the kill-zone are low. In most cases, even if the player engages, the opponent is likely to rotate and escape.
If this occurs throughout the match, players will not earn any points via elimination. This will drastically slow down the rank push and make leveling up harder.
2) Getting eliminated without acquiring a single elimination
One of the main issues with playing too passively is not engaging in combat. While this is a good method to stay alive till the end-zone, it's difficult to earn points in this manner.
What makes this worse is that passive players get eliminated by aggressive opponents without getting a single kill. This affects the K/D ratio in a massive way and hampers their in-game stats.
In this manner, passive players are not just losing out on in-game stats but helping others climb rank faster.
3) Focusing solely on getting loot
One of the most common mistakes that passive players commit is hoarding loot. Their goal throughout the match is to get the best loot possible. Sadly, more often than not, it ends up being hardly utilized in the game.
Most players get so busy looting that they fail to notice the safe zone shrinking. They either get left out of the safe zone and perish or enter the zone late and get eliminated by opponents.
While good loot is important for securing a Booyah, knowing when to stop looting is also vital to success in Free Fire. As a result, Free Fire players should keep the safe zone and hot drops in mind before trying to overfill their inventories.
Note: The list is in no particular order and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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