Recently, Garena Free Fire collaborated with the famous DJ duo Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike. Characters based on both popular figures - Dimitri and Thiva, respectively - have made their way into the game, and players are excited to get their hands on them.
Dimitri is the first one out of the two to be made available to the users. Today, i.e., 12 August 2021, Dimitri is accessible via a top-up event, and users need to purchase a total of 200 diamonds to acquire the character.
Dimitri in Free Fire

Ability: Healing Heartbeat
Dimitri's unique skill is Healing Heartbeat. At the max level of the character, it creates a healing zone of 3.5 diameters, and inside of which, users and allies will be able to restore 3 HP per second. On top of this, they will be able to self-recover to get up after being knocked out.
This ability lasts for 15 seconds and has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
Here is a list of the best character combinations to use with Dimitri.
5 most potent Free Fire character combinations for Dimitri
5) Dimitri + Moco + Laura + Rafael

Moco: Hacker's Eye
Laura: Sharp Shooter
Rafael: Dead Silent
Moco's Hacker's Eye tags opponents for a duration of five seconds, and allies are also provided the location of enemies. Knowing the position of opponents can aid the team in planning their next move.

Laura's Sharp Shooter improves players' accuracy by 35% when scoped in.

When utilizing snipers and marksman rifles, Rafael's Dead Silent provides a silencing effect. In addition, opponents that the user knocks out suffer a 45 percent increase in HP loss.
4) Dimitri + Hayato + Kelly + Paloma

Hayato: Bushido
Kelly: Dash
Paloma: Arms-Dealing
With Bushido, every 10% decrease in maximum health increases armor penetration by 10%. Frontal damage is also reduced if the players have Hayato's awakened form.

Dash, which is Kelly's ability, increases sprinting speed by 6%. Users that own "Kelly - The Swift" (awakened version) will benefit from the ability.

Paloma's ability lets players carry 120 additional ammo of any type, except grenade launchers. This ability might come in handy in battle royale mode.
3) Dimitri + Antonio + Kla + Joseph

Antonio: Gangster's Spirit
Kla: Muay Thai
Joseph: Nutty Movement
Antonio's Gangster's Spirit ability gives players an additional 35 HP at the start of each round. This implies they start with 235 health.

Kla's ability boosts fist damage by 400%. As a result, in close combat, players will be able to knock opponents out with their fists.

When opponents damage the players, Joseph's ability increases the movement and sprinting speed by 20%.
2) Dimitri + Shirou + Maro + Dasha

Shirou: Damage Delivered
Maro: Falcon Fervor
Dasha: Partying On
If an opponent within an 80m range hits the player, Shirou's ability tags them for a time period of six seconds. The first shot on this marked opponent has 100% additional armor penetration. The Damage Delivered skill has a total cooldown duration of 20 seconds.

Maro's ability increases damage with distance by 25% and damage to marked opponents' surges by 3.5 percent.

Dasha's ability lowers the fall damage of the players by 50% and recovery time by 80%. Furthermore, the skill decreases the recoil rate and maximum recoil by 10%.
1) Dimitri + Jota + D-bee + Luqueta

Jota: Sustained Raids
D-bee: Bullet Beats
Luqueta: Hat Trick
With Jota's skill, the health is recovered when the user hits an opponent. Moreover, knocking down an opponent restores 20% of their health. HP restoration can aid users immensely on the battlefield.

D-bee's skill improves the players' movement speed by 15% and their accuracy by 35% when firing while moving.

Luqueta's skill increases a player's maximum HP with each frag by 25, up to 50. This means that after two kills, the user will have 250 health.
Note: This article reflects the opinions of the writer. All of the characters' abilities stated in this article are at their maximum level.
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