Garena Free Fire frequently collaborates with brands, celebrities, and franchises to increase the game's reach. Recently, officials collaborated with the anime series, Attack on Titan, bringing in some incredible bundles and an all-new game mode called "Titan Attack."
This game mode is almost like a regular Clash Squad match and has replaced the Big Head game mode. Its significance is that players get Titan heads as their kill counts increase. When they achieve the highest frags, gamers become the biggest Titan in this Free Fire match.
This article lists some of the best characters to use in Free Fire's all-new game mode: Titan Attack.
Note: This mode already offers enough EP points, and it automatically regenerates into HP when players take damage. This list hence avoids HP boosting abilities. This listicle is also in a generalized order, not in any particular order or ranking.
What are the best characters to use in Free Fire's new game mode Titan Attack?
#1 - Chrono
Chrono possesses the Time Turner ability. At the most basic level, this power creates a force field to withstand 600 damage from opponents. When within the force field, players can fire at opponents, and their travel speed is also enhanced by 15%.
Allies inside the force field benefit from a 10% rise in travel speed for 4 seconds, and the skill has a 50-second cooldown.
Time Turner, at its most effective, increases the player's movement speed by 30%. Meanwhile, allies' travel speed is increased by 15%. All results last for 15 seconds and have a 40-second cooldown.
#2 - Skyler
Skyler is a CEO and superstar who has an active skill called Riptide Rhythm. At its most basic level, the skill produces a sonic wave capable of destroying five gloo walls within 50 meters.
Each gloo wall deployed would also boost HP recovery by 4 points. The ability, however, has a sixty-second cooldown.
#3 - Jota
Jota is a parkour specialist and stuntman with a primary level passive skill called Sustained Raids. It immediately restores 25HP for every SMG or Shotgun kill, with a 5-second cooldown.
At the maximum level, he can regain 40 HP with each Shotgun or SMG kill.
#4 - Antonio
Antonio possesses a passive ability known as Gangster's Spirit. At the default stage, this ability provides the player with ten additional HP when the round begins.
When a round begins, Antonio gains 35 additional HP at its maximum level (level 6).
#5 - Jai
Raging Reload is a passive skill that Jai possesses. He is a decorated SWAT commander who can automatically reload a gun's magazine by 30 percent after knocking down an opponent. However, this automatic reloading feature is limited to AR, Pistol, SMG, and SG-class guns.
This character has a 45 percent maximum magazine reloading capacity at his max level.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the individual opinion of the writer.
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