Free Fire is widely popular because of the unique and distinct features that it offers to its players. One such unique feature is the "Character" segment in the game that includes a horde of characters for players to choose from.
The Clash Squad mode is one of the most popular modes in the game and engages players in intense fights. This mode also has a rank system that entices players.
Note: This list is not in any particular order. It is a generalized list.
What are the best female characters for the Clash Squad mode in Free Fire?
#1 - A124

A124 has an active ability called Thrill of Battle. It instantly converts 25 EP into HP with a cooldown of 90s at the default level. With an increment in character level, the ability is also significantly enhanced.
Her EP conversion ability can be of great help when players use a level three mushroom in the Clash Squad mode. It will quickly restore the EPs into HPs.
#2 - Steffie
At her level one ability called Painted Refuge, Steffie can create graffiti that reduces explosive damage by 15% and bullet damage by 5% for five seconds. The CD lasts for 45 seconds and the effects do not stack.
This is one of the most useful abilities that players can use to defend themselves against enemy attacks in Clash Squad mode.
#3 - Laura

Laura's passive ability, Sharp Shooter, allows her to increase a weapon's accuracy by 10 when players are scoped in. At Laura's maximum potential at level six, the accuracy of a firearm when scoped in is increased by 30.
This is a remarkable ability for beginners as well as intermediate players. It allows the players to take accurate shots to eliminate opponents effortlessly in Clash Squad mode.
#4 - Kapella
Kapella is a great choice for the Clash Squad mode because her capability, Healing Song, increases the effects of healing items and skills by 10% and reduces the ally HP loss when they are down by 20%. Her abilities increase significantly when maximized and leveled up.
Kapella's abilities are beneficial for players during intense and short Clash Squad matches.
#5 - Caroline

Caroline will be one of the best choices for Clash Squad mode as she has a passive ability called Agile, which increases the movement speed by 3% while carrying Shotguns.
This is really helpful in Clash Squad mode as players tend to fight with SGs and this ability will offer extra agility with SGs on the ground.
Note: This list is not in any particular order or ranking. It is a generalized list and reflects the writer's personal views.
Also read: 3 best pets for Free Fire's ranked mode in March 2021
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