Garena Free Fire has been a phenomenal battle royale game globally while witnessing an upsurge in numbers. The competition in Free Fire has also notched up with the increase in the number of players. Unlike earlier times, it now takes more than just a skill-set to push the ranks in the famous battle royale game.
Other than the skill-set, an ideal character choice plays a crucial role in a Free Fire match. Garena continues to introduce characters to the game through its continuous updates. Hence, there's always an abundance of characters with distinct abilities in Free Fire. This vast assortment of characters complicates a players' decision-making.
Free Fire: Best female characters for pushing ranks
5) A124

The Thrill of Battle is the name of A124's active character ability. Players can use the ability to convert as much as 20 EP into HP rapidly. The Thrill of Battle has a cooldown of 10 seconds and a duration of four seconds at the base level.
The ability's EP to HP conversion can be significantly improved with level-ups, making A124 more beneficial. Due to her EP conversion abilities, A124 is an excellent choice for rushing in Free Fire, making her a perfect character for the rank push.
4) Steffie

Steffie's Painted Refuge can be activated to create graffiti that substantially reduces bullet and explosive damage. At the base level, explosive and bullet damage reduction is 15% and 5%, respectively. Gamers get an extra advantage while defending against enemies.
Painted Refuge lasts for five seconds with a cooldown of 45 seconds. This ability makes Steffie one of the most valuable characters while pushing ranks.
3) Laura

Sharp Shooter is Laura's passive ability. It increases weapon accuracy by 10% whenever players use their scope. They can further improve the accuracy to a 30% increment at Laura's sixth level.
The buff in accuracy assists gamers on the battleground, which further results in heavy pay-offs in terms of an increase in rank.
2) Dasha

Dasha's passive ability is Partying On, which benefits the players by reducing damage accumulation from falls by 30%, while also snipping the recovery time by 60%. Additionally, this passive ability also aids in the reduction of the rate of recoil buildup and maximum recoil by 6%.
Gamers can further enhance all four effects of Partying On, which makes Dasha a lot more formidable in Free Fire. Due to her passive skill, Dasha can be ranked among the most balanced characters in Free Fire.
1) Xayne

Since her Free Fire debut, Xayne has become one of the most efficient characters. Players can activate her active ability, Xtreme Encounter, to get a temporary 80 HP (degradable over time).
In addition to that, Xtreme Encounter also increases gamers' damage infliction to the gloo walls and shields by 40% at the base level. Xayne's active skill lasts for 10 seconds with a cooldown of 150 seconds at level one.
Note: This list is not in any particular order and reflects the writer's individual opinion.
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