Chrono is arguably one of the best characters in Free Fire, and he is an excellent pick for many players. His Time Turner ability creates a force field that prevents 600 damage from opponents and improves the player's movement speed by 15 percent.
These effects last for eight seconds, and there is a cooldown period on this ability of 170 seconds.
Gamers can form character combinations in Free Fire, which is essentially a process of merging the abilities of numerous characters. To do so, they need to first purchase the skill slots using diamonds or gold.
Users should note that each combination can contain a total of four abilities, one of which is active and the other three passive. As Chrono has an active ability, all the other characters need to have passive skills.
Note: This list reflects the writer's opinion, and to give gamers more possibilities, no character has been duplicated. Characters may be mixed and matched to make combinations that suit the player and their playing style.
List of top Free Fire character combinations for Chrono in August 2021
1) Chrono + Jota + Jai + Dasha

Jota: Sustained Raids
Jai: Raging Reload
Dasha: Partying On
With Jota's ability, each kill with a Shotgun or SMG results in a 40-point replenishment of the players' health. It should be remembered that the cooldown in this skill is five seconds.

Raging Reload reloads the magazine by 45 percent after knocking down an opponent. It only works on weapons from the AR, Pistol, SMG, and SG categories.

Coming to Dasha's Partying On skill, fall damage is decreased by 50%, and recovery time is lowered by 80%. Moreover, there's a 10% reduction in recoil rate and maximum recoil.
2) Chrono + D-bee + Luqueta + Moco

D-bee: Bullet Beats
Luqueta: Hat Trick
Moco: Hacker's Eye
D-bee is the newest Free Fire character, and, in its skill, firing while moving boosts movement speed by 15% and accuracy by 35%.

With each kill, Luqueta's Hat Trick raises the max HP by 18. So, after two kills, the users' maximum health reaches the mark of 235.

After shooting an enemy, Moco's Hacker's Eye tags them for five seconds. The location of the tag is also shared with teammates.
3) Chrono + Kla + Joseph + Antonio

Kla: Muay Thai
Joseph: Nutty Movement
Antonio: Gangster's Sprit
This combination is perfect for Clash Squad mode. Kla's skill surges damage of the players dealt using fists by 400%.

When the players take damage from enemies, Joseph's ability increases the movement and sprinting speed by 20%.

The players' health is increased by 35 points at the start of each round thanks to Antonio's Gangster's Spirit, bringing their total health to 235 points.
4) Chrono + Maro + Shirou + Laura

Maro: Falcon Fervor
Shirou: Damage Delivered
Laura: Sharp Shooter
The damage dealt increases with distance, up to a maximum of 25%, if the players possess the Maro character. In addition, the damage to marked opponents also increases by 3.5 percent.

Whenever an opponent shoots players from within 80 meters, they are tagged for six seconds. The armor penetration of the initial shot fired at the marked adversary is boosted by 100%.
Shirou's ability has a 20-second cooldown before it is effective again.

While scoped in, Laura's Sharp Shooter improves the accuracy of the players by 35%.
5) Chrono + Hayato + Kelly + Paloma

Hayato: Bushido
Kelly: Dash
Paloma: Arms-Dealing
In Bushido, every 10% reduction in maximum health results in a 10% boost in armor penetration. The frontal damage will be further reduced in case the players also possess Hayato's awakened variant.

Dash is the name of Kelly's skill, and it increases the sprinting speed of gamers by 6%. Like Hayato, if users own the awakened version, i.e., "Kelly - The Swift," they will benefit from its ability as well.

Paloma's ability helps immensely in the BR mode as it enables players to carry 120 additional ammo of any type, excluding the grenade launcher.
Disclaimer: All of the characters' skills listed in this article are at their highest possible level.
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