Characters and pets are a few of Garena Free Fire's unique aspects that distinguish it from other BR titles. These characters have unique skills that enable players to win battles.
The developers have partnered with many celebrities like Hrithik Roshan, DJ Alok, and, more recently, Cristiano Ronaldo in the fast-paced Battle Royal title. This article discusses some of the best characters in Free Fire based on real-life personalities.
Note: This list is in any particular order.
Free Fire characters in real-life in 2021
#1 Chrono
The developers unveiled a global collaboration with the Portuguese football legend Cristiano Ronaldo last month. Ronaldo's in-game persona is called "Chrono."
Chrono creates a force field that blocks 600 damages from foes. Users can also fire outside from within the field. Moreover, the movement speed of the user increases by 30%.
Allies within the force field receive a 15% increase in their speed. All effects last for nine seconds, followed by a cooldown of 40 seconds.
#2 DJ Alok

Alok or DJ Alok was launched in November 2019. Free Fire partnered with DJ Alok Petrillo to create his in-game persona called "DJ Alok." The character creates an aura of 5m that increases ally movement speed by 15% and also restores 5 HP for 10 seconds.
#3 K (Captain Booyah)

The character of K is based on American record producer and DJ KSHMR. The character has two modes – Jiujitsu and Psychology.
Jiujitsu Mode: Allies within 6m get a 500% increase in EP conversion rate.
Psychology Mode: Recover 2 EP every two seconds, up to 150 EP.
There is a cooldown of 20 seconds for switching the modes. Also, the Max EP of the users increases by 50 regardless of the mode.
#4 Luqueta

Luqueta is a game adaptation of the popular Brazilian footballer Lucas Paqueta. The name Luqueta is the combination of Lucas and Paqueta.
He has a passive ability called Hat Trick that allows him to increase the max HP by eight up to a total of 35 HP with every ground kill. At his maximum potential at a level of 6, Luqueta can increase the max HP by 18 up to 35 with every kill.
#5 Wolfrahh

The Swedish video game player Wolfrahh is based on Leif - a popular streamer. His strength lies in first-person shooting video games. He has a passive ability called Limelight.
With this ability, the damage taken from headshots decreases by 3% up to 25% with every additional observer or kill. The damage to the enemy's limbs increases by 3% up to 15%.
When Wolfrahh is maximized, his ability is also enhanced significantly.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.