The Factory Challenge is one of the most popular customizable challenges in Free Fire. In this challenge, players have to engage in a 1v1 battle on the Factory Roof on the Bermuda map using only fists and melee weapons.
Players can use any Free Fire character in the Factory Challenge. With the right character, players will be able to overcome their opponents very easily.
This article lists some of the best Free Fire characters for the Factory Challenge in April 2021.
Note: This list is not in any particular order or ranking and reflects the writer's personal views.
Who are the best Free Fire characters for the Factory Challenge in April 2021?
#1 Kla

Kla is arguably the best character for the Factory Challenge. Players can only use fists and melee weapons in the challenge, and Kla's ability is ideal for fistfights.
Kla has a passive ability called Muay Thai, which increases fist damage by 100%.
#2 DJ Alok

DJ Alok has an active ability called Drop The Beat. The ability generates a five-meter aura which boosts ally movement speed by 10% and restores 5 HP/s in five seconds.
DJ Alok's ability to restore HP will be incredibly useful for players in the Factory Challenge.
#3 Kelly
Kelly has an ability that is great for the Factory Challenge. This ability, called Dash, increases the player's sprinting speed by 1%.
Dash will allow more fluidity in the player's movement during fistfights.
#4 Chrono

Chrono has an active ability called Time Turner, which creates a force field that blocks 600 damage. Allies within the force field also get a 10% boost in movement speed, which lasts for four seconds.
While Chrono's abilities cannot be fully utilized in this challenge, he can still provide increased movement speed to the player.
#5 Joseph
Joseph has a passive skill called Nutty Movement. When he takes damage, his ability increases his movement and sprinting speed by 10% each.
Nutty Movement allows Joseph to have faster reflexes, which could be a big advantage in the Factory Challenge.
Honourable mentions: Wukong, Jota
Also read: Detective Panda vs Dreki in Free Fire: Abilities of the two pets compared
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