There is lots of risk in landing at hot drops in Garena Free Fire, and no one, whether a beginner or a seasoned player, can deny that. One has to engage in multiple combat situations with a big chunk of players dropping at the same place. Therefore, these hot drops are not meant for newbies because they can result in early exits.
Early exits without claiming enough kills result in denting the K/D ratio in Free Fire. Hence, beginners should avoid taking risks of landing at hot drops to prevent their K/D from dropping. Moreover, they can avoid early exits and get bot kills by selecting the safer spots across Free Fire's BR maps.
Garena Free Fire: What are the ideal landing spots for newbies to increase the K/D ratio
5) Mars Electric (Bermuda)

Bermuda has plenty of safe landing spots, but Mars Electric is among the safest. Boasting high-quality loot, it is still a less-explored location due to its placement. Although Mars Electric lies far from the secure zone formations, it is still a perfect landing spot for beginners.
4) Crossroads (Purgatory)

Purgatory's landing spot, Crossroads, is pretty less-crowded due to its location. It lies in the top-left corner of the Free Fire map and has multiple small buildings. Crossroads is the perfect spot for solo players as they can find enough loot with some bots which they can easily handle.
Although there is a low chance of encountering many players in Crossroads, it depends upon the luck of users.
3) Quarry (Purgatory)

Quarry is the extreme southwestern location in Purgatory. Being one of the least-explored locations on the map, newbies can loot the limited quantity of items while scoring bot kills.
Although bots constitute the majority of opponents at Quarry, players should keep loot ready for actual enemies.
2) Mill (Bermuda Remastered)

Mill is one of the safest spots lying in the northeast region of the Bermuda Remastered. Its placement is the reason it is not considered a hot drop. Therefore, players can expect a low number of encounters.
Moreover, Mill offers decent loot, but gamers need to be a little wary of actual enemies.
1) Santa Catarina (Kalahari)

Kalahari is the desert map of Free Fire which is appropriate for sniping with the lack of bushes and cover. The Sub-Saharan terrain features some hot drops with many safer alternatives.
Santa Catarina is arguably the safest landing spot on Free Fire's desert map, Kalahari. The region has plenty of loot to survive the early stages of a match. Moreover, many bots wander in the form of easy kills.
Note: This article reflects the writer's individual opinion.
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