The number of Free Fire MAX characters has grown ever since Garena released it in September 2021. Garena's battle royale game has a massive active user base, having clocked over 100 million installs on the Play Store, and welcomes new players now and then.
Free Fire MAX is more strategy-based than it seems and requires users to master several in-game aspects. Character abilities are one of the primary features in Free Fire MAX, and it is tough for beginners to choose a suitable option as per their play style.
Note: This article solely reflects the author's views, and the character abilities are not listed in any particular order.
Ideal character abilities for new Free Fire MAX players
Beginners should avoid going for popular choices like Alok, K, Chrono, Wukong, etc. They should focus on gaining experience with decent characters like Jota and Hayato. Readers can find out more about the ideal character abilities below:
1) Bullet Beats (D-Bee)
Attributes at the sixth level:
- Movement speed increase - 20%
- Accuracy increase - 35%
"Bullet Beats" is a passive ability that doesn't require manual activation, and one can activate D-Bee's ability automatically whenever they shoot while moving on the battlefield. Furthermore, "Bullet Beats" doesn't have any specific duration of cool down, and one can use it at any instant.
The effects of D-Bee's passive skill include increased movement speed and accuracy of the shots that players fire. Additionally, the movement speed increase gets optimized according to the weapon players carry. Thus, there will be no effect on agility whether players are using a heavy LMG or lighter SMG.
2) Sustained Raids (Jota)
Attributes at the sixth level:
- HP recovery - 20%
Jota is an impressive character suitable for almost anyone in the game. His skill "Sustained Raids" is a vital addition to any character combination as it offers an HP boost without doing much on the battlefield.
Players can claim some health points whenever they hit their opponents with guns. The HP recovery is not always significant, but if players can knock down the opponents, they can claim a specific proportion of points.
3) Bushido and Art of Blades (Hayato)
Attributes at the sixth level:
- Armor penetration - 10%
- Frontal damage reduction (Awaken) - 3.5%
The next character ability ideal for beginners is Hayato's Bushido and Art of Blades. The former is the primary survival skill, while the latter is the locked ability and can only be used after users have completed the awakened missions.
Bushido enhances the armor penetration significantly, while Art of Blades allows users to decrease their front damage. However, the effects activate when users receive a decrease in the maximum HP (the HP bar) in Free Fire MAX.
4) Healing Song (Kapella)
Attributes at the sixth level:
- Increase in the effect of healing items - 20%
- Reduction in HP loss of allies when downed - 30%
Kapella is another passive ability character on this list who is ideal for newcomers in Free Fire MAX. As the name suggests, her skill, "Healing Song," grants an upgrade in the effects of health-related abilities and items in the game.
However, the reduction in the HP loss of downed teammates makes her vital for every player in a squad.
5) Partying On (Dasha)
Attributes at the sixth level:
- Damage reduction - 50%
- Decrease in recovery time - 80%
- Reduction in recoil buildup - 10%
- Reduction in maximum recoil - 10%
Dasha is the final entry on this list as her survival ability "Partying On" is underrated yet effective in Free Fire MAX. Players can avail themselves of a reduction in damage and recovery time in the case of falls.
Moreover, due to Dasha's impressive skill, the recoil buildup and maximum recoil are significantly reduced.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.