In Free Fire, having a well-synchronized character and pet abilities is essential since these might provide the player an edge in the battleground and can often tilt the scale in their favor. There are over 15 pets, while the list of characters is even longer, with more than 40 of these available within the game.
Of all the characters, D-Bee is an active choice for the players considering its ability called Bullet Beats, which upsurges the movement speed and accuracy as users shoot while moving.
At the highest level, the increased movement speed is 15%, while the accuracy is boosted by 35%. Since this is a passive ability, it can be easily incorporated into character combinations.
Pets to utilize with D-Bee in Free Fire
5) Dreki

The ability to see where the enemy is located is quite helpful since it allows gamers to plan out their next move. This becomes possible with Dreki; however, the only catch is that the opponent must utilize a medkit. At the maximum level, owners of this pet can find four opponents using medkits within the 30m range, and it lasts for 5 seconds.
Players can run on to the opponents quickly finish the opponents using SMGs and Shotguns.
4) Sensei Tig

Sensei Tig is among the newest entrants in Free Fire and features an amazing skill called Nimble Ninja. The pet considerably cuts the duration of the enemies' man-marking skill to 50%.
As a result, users will be able to fight even more effectively in the close range while the opponent has a character skill like Moco.
3) Falco

Even having a single Falco pet in the squad in the battle royale match provides an added advantage to landing quickly with its Skyline Spree. Users can quickly get down and loot the area with the 45% increased gliding speed and 50% increased skydiving speed at the highest level. This can be of prime benefit in the hot drops.
However, if the players' motive is not to land faster, Falco is not useful and can be discarded by some other pet.
2) Dr. Beanie

Dashy Duckwalk skill can further add benefits to the Bullet Beats skill since users will be able to walk even faster while crouching. At skill level 3, the pet boosts the movement speed by 60% in the crouch position.
As a result, players can crouch and then fire while moving around to gain even more speed and accuracy. Thus, it becomes difficult for the opponent to land the shots.
1) Mr. Waggor

Mr. Waggor's skill of producing Gloo Walls is undoubtedly one of the best within the game. The ability to attain a Gloo Wall every 100 seconds when users have less than two of these becomes beneficial in ranked matches.
Gamers may use these Gloo Walls in close-quarters battles, where Bullet Beats can be used to destroy foes while moving about more quickly.
Note: The list of pets is based on the writer's preference and in no particular order.
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