Knowing where to land in Free Fire can make all the difference. Players will be able to loot with ease, secure strategic areas, and even get early game eliminations.
While there are a number of good drop locations on the various maps to choose from, a few stand out. These areas are filled with loot and are relatively safer than others. Players at these locations can loot peacefully and plan ahead for the match.
Top 5 landing locations in Free Fire for lesser fights and better loot
5) Moathouse (Purgatory)
The Moathouse is located on a tiny island in the middle of the lake on the Purgatory map of Free Fire. Due to its location being so far out of the center, players tend to avoid landing here, which makes the location perfect.
Now, while the location is good for looting, players dropping in with a team may not find adequate loot. Nonetheless, for the early game phase, there should be enough for everyone to go around.
4) Crossroads (Purgatory)
Crossroads is located in a rather offbeat location on the western edge of the map. While this may pose a problem when it comes to rotation, players who are quick to loot can easily make it to the safe zone.
Due to the fact that it's located at the edge of the map, players can loot without the fear of being attacked by other players. Furthermore, since the area is covered by plenty of highground, players can use it as a vantage point to look out for enemies.
3) Sentosa (Bermuda)
Much like the Moathouse, Sentosa is another quite isolated location to land in Free Fire. Although in some matches the area may see a bit of fighting, for the most part, it's a safe region.
Players can land here with an entire squad and find decent loot to carry them through the early phase of the game. The only issue with this location is that players will have to rotate to the mainland to avoid being caught outside the safe zone.
2) Rim Nam Village (Bermuda)
Rim Nam Village is by far the safest place to land in Free Fire's Bermuda map. The area offers good cover, plenty of loot, and players can rotate with ease towards the mainland.
Although while being safe, the surrounding locations such as Hanger and Clock Tower are hotdrop zones, and players should avoid them while rotating or they can rush at opponents in the area and try to score eliminations.
1) Mammoth (Kalahari)
Given how odd this location is in Free Fire, most players tend to simply avoid it. However, Mammoth is a great place for players to land to loot safely and relax during the early game.
Although the loot offered is limited in nature, owing to the safety the location offers, it's a great place for beginners and passive players. Additionally, once all loot has been collected, players can easily rotate out of the area without much trouble.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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