Free Fire offers players a plethora of unique features and characters. The latter aid players on the virtual ground in various circumstances.
There are over 30 Free Fire characters. A124 is one of the better ones that offer great powers to the players that help them significantly on the ground.
This article discusses some of the reasons why every player should get A124 in Free Fire.
Five best reasons to get A124 in Free Fire
#1 A124's ability

A124 has an active ability called Thrill of Battle, and her level 1 ability allows her to quickly convert 25 EP (Energy Points) into HP (Health Points), with a cooldown of 90 seconds.
She can convert 50 EP into HP with a much lesser cooldown of 60 seconds in her maximum potential. This ability is really very beneficial for players who like aggressive gameplay and fast-paced actions.
#2 Clash Squad

In the Clash Squad mode, players can equip A124 and purchase level 3 mushrooms at the beginning of the round. This will provide enough EPs to be converted into HPs by A124's abilities. It will provide the players with enough extra HPs to survive them during the intense combats in the Clash Squad mode.
#3 Survival strategy
Players who like to play defensive and safe can use A124. Her abilities can be used if players eat enough mushrooms and inhalers. This will help players to stay near the blue circle and opt-out from engaging in fights. They can stay safe near the zones while A124 recovers their HP gradually by converting the EPs.
#4 Useful in skill Combos
A124, Laura, Moco, and Kelly can be the perfect skill combo for aggressive players on the field. Laura's Sharp Shooter ability will improve the accuracy when scoped in. Moco's Hacker's eye will tag enemies that she shoots to expose their location, and Kelly's Dash will give the necessary speed boost.
All these, coupled with A124's EP converting abilities, will boost HP's necessary boost during gameplay.
#5 Useful for aggressive players

A124's ability is best for aggressive players in close-range fights when players don't have enough time to heal themselves with medkits. A124's ability comes in handy here. If the players consume enough EPs before engaging in a fight, they will be replenished with HPs automatically, which will obviously put them on an upper ground over their enemies.
Also read: Five best Free Fire characters of all time.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.