Garena Free Fire is one of the most popular battle royale titles on the mobile platform, and the game gets many updates frequently. Recently, Free Fire has launched the OB26 update and received a great response from the players.
Skyler is the most recent addition to the character section of the game. Free Fire now includes 37 characters. Skyler is not yet available for all the players in the game, and they do not have an option to buy or obtain him via any means.
However, the character possesses great abilities. This article lists the five reasons why every player should get Skyler when it is available in the game.
Five best reasons why players should get Skyler in Free Fire
#1 Skyler's ability

Skyler has an active ability called Riptide Rhythm. His level 1 ability can unleash a sonic wave that can damage five gloo walls within 50 m.
Each gloo wall deployed will result in increasing HP recovery, beginning from four points. The ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
This ability is helpful for aggressive players and also beneficial in the Clash Squad mode.
#2 Best for aggressive players

Skyler is a great character for aggressive players. Such players can use him either in Classic or Clash Squad to rush into enemy bases and ambush them upfront. His abilities will destroy gloo walls of enemies, making them shelterless. This will allow the players to take down their enemies easily.
#3 Advantageous for Clash Squad mode
Skyler is one of the best option for the Clash Squad mode. It will be the best for close-range fights with intense fights. He can destroy the gloo walls of enemies allowing him to catch them off-guard. Also, he himself can deploy gloo walls which will make him gain extra HPs.
#4 Rushing
Skyler is a great character for direct rushing. His ability will help players knock off their enemies' gloo walls in front while they themselves can deploy gloo walls and knock them off from behind their shelter. This allows them extra protection, extra HPs, and other benefits on the battlefield.
#5 Skill combos

Skyler will also be a great character for skill combos. His ability coupled with those of Antonio's extra HPs at each round, Shirou's incredible tagging enemies and increasing armor penetration ability and Kelly's increase in speed will be a lethal combo for an aggressive Free Fire player.
Also read: Shirou vs Skyler in Free Fire OB26 update: Comparing both new characters.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.