Every character in Free Fire, except for the default ones, has unique abilities. These characters get unlocked with certain progress milestones made by players.
Once these characters are available, they have to be bought using in-game currency. While some of them are pretty expensive, others do not require much money.
Also read: 5 most underrated passive abilities in Free Fire
Cheapest Free Fire characters
These are five of the least expensive options for players:
1) Ford

The passive ability of this character is Iron Will. It ensures that the damage caused to players when they are outside the safe zone is reduced by 4%.
At the maximum level, this percentage can reach up to 24%. Players can buy this character with 2000 gold coins (or 199 diamonds).
2) Kelly

This character can also be acquired by spending 2000 gold coins.
Kelly’s passive ability is Dash, which allows players to run faster by increasing their sprinting speed by 1%. At the highest level, the sprinting speed increases by 6%.
3) Olivia

If Free Fire players want to acquire Olivia, they have to spend 2000 gold coins. Her passive ability is Healing Touch.
At the base level, this ability allows players to revive teammates with an extra 6 HP. It can reach up to 40 HP at its maximum level.
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4) Nikita

Nikita is a Firearms Expert. This ability increases the sub-machine gun’s reload speed by 4%. At the maximum level, this speed can rise up to 24%. This character can be accessed in Free Fire after spending 2500 gold coins.
5) Hayato

Hayato is one of the popular characters in Free Fire. He has a passive ability named Bushido.
When the HP of a player is decreased by 10%, this ability increases armor penetration by 7.5%. The character is worth 8000 gold (or 499 diamonds).
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Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.