A passive playstyle in Free Fire may not be rewarding in terms of the number of eliminations earned, but players will be able to make it to end zones with ease. Additionally, due to playing passively, players will find themselves having much more supplies than their opponents.
Although a safe or passive playstyle develops instinctively for new players, there are ways to hone the skill and improve upon it. By just following a few tips, players will be able to push rank easily while utilizing a passive playstyle.
Top 5 tips for Free Fire players to push rank with a passive playstyle
5) Land in isolated areas
One of the most important things to do in order to become better at a passive playstyle in Free Fire is knowing where to land. Simply knowing where to land during a match will make all the difference.
Being able to loot in peace without being shot at in a battle royale game is a blessing in itself. Players will be able to loot in calm and get ready for the match ahead. Additionally, landing in isolated areas will help players stay hidden and out of sight.
4) Don't engage opponents if not needed
One of the key aspects of playing a passive playstyle in Free Fire is to avoid fights when possible. Unlike an aggressive playstyle, where the goal is to score as many eliminations as possible, in a passive playstyle survival is key.
While each elimination missed are points not earned, making it alive to the end zone and surviving are highly beneficial. Also, being able to make it to the final zone will increase the chances of a player securing a Booyah.
3) Camp with a sniper that has a silencer attachment
Players who are proficient with snipers in Free Fire should try and acquire one as soon as they land. The weapon of choice when it comes to sniper rifles is the AWM. It offers great range, high damage, great accuracy, and most importantly, it can be fitted with a silencer.
Players can utilize this deadly combination to ambush and eliminate unsuspecting players with ease. While this method is looked down upon by many players in the community, it does have certain benefits.
2) Choose a character and pet that suits the playstyle
Players in Free Fire looking to enjoy a safe or passive game need to choose characters and pets according to their strategic needs. Picking an aggressive character or pet will be a waste as their abilities will not be utilized properly.
The best option for players would be to choose characters and pets that offer passive combat bonuses. Since the goal is not to actively engage in fights, passive bonuses will be the best option.
1) Stay within the safe zone
The most important thing to remember as a passive player in Free Fire is to stay within the safe zone at all times. Rotating and staying within the safe zone will allow players to gain a defensive foothold to use against would-be attackers.
Furthermore, staying within the safe zone ensures that opponents will not have the chance to pin down players outside the zone and force them to take zone damage.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
Is a passive playstyle working for you in Free Fire? Let us know in the comments below!
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