One versus one combat in Free Fire are some of the most competitive moments during a match, especially if both players are equally skilled and geared. Sadly, this is never the case in most matches.
More often than not, players make simple mistakes that handicap them during a 1v1 fight, and end with their quick elimination. Thankfully, there are a few tips players can follow to have a better chance of winning against an opponent in-game
Top 5 tips that players should follow to stand a better chance of winning a 1v1 in Free Fire
5) Picking the right character
Picking the right character will definitely help during a 1v1 fight in Free Fire. However, knowing which character to pick will be important, as each of them have their own perks.
Aggressive players can use Skyler to damage Gloo Walls and push opponents out of hiding. Meanwhile, defensive players can use Chrono to block incoming fire and shoot back.
4) Secure good loot before fighting
An important tip to remember for players is to never look for fights before gearing up with good weapons, ammo, medkits and other items. Securing good loot makes all the difference for players in Free Fire.
Being able to defend a position or suppress the target will require huge reserves of ammo. Players who fail to loot enough during the early game will run out of bullets and will be forced to retreat.
3) Let the target come close
A golden rule to remember during 1v1 fights in Free Fire is to let the opponent get close enough before shooting. This not only improves the odds of landing every shot, but ensures that the enemy player has little chance of escaping.
This method works great for players who have obtained the high ground and prefer Assault Rifles and SMGs. If their aim is true, enemies who get close won't even stand a chance of counterattacking.
2) Throw grenades before rushing
When waiting for the enemy is not an option, and rushing is the only thing left to do, players should throw grenades before running in with guns blazing. While Gloo Walls and Smoke Grenades can be used during the rush, normal grenades should be used too.
If players get lucky or if their aim is true, they can use the grenades to flush the enemy player out of hiding or push them out of position and even damage them. Depending on the situation, players can then either run straight towards the target, or rotate and flank them.
1) Long range supremacy
One of the best ways to ensure a quick 1v1 victory in Free Fire is to engage the enemy at long range, and damage them before moving in for the kill. This will either force them to take cover and heal, essentially wasting their supplies and time; or retreat, allowing players to yet again take another shot at them.
In addition to the damage caused to the enemy's character, being sniped at causes opponents to panic and make mistakes. This is made more effective if silencers are used, as shots won't register on the minimap and the player will remain hidden.
To make this method more lethal, players can utilize Maro's special ability that allows him to deal increased damage to marked targets, as well as increases the damage done to targets further away.
Also Read: 5 tips to improve reflex in Free Fire: A beginner's guide
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