Unlike Alok, Thiva and Dimitri are two newer Free Fire characters, who were introduced in August 2021. All three characters are inspired by real-life DJs and their abilities revolve around HP recovery.
Alok is the most famous Free Fire character and is quite popular because of his powerful active ability. This article compares the abilities of the three characters to determine who should be chosen for pushing ranks in 2022.

Alok's active ability is called Drop the Beat, which has a cooldown time of 45 seconds. The ability creates an aura of 5-meter radius that increases players' movement and sprinting speed by 10% while also providing HP recovery of 5 HP per second for 5 seconds.

Thiva has a passive ability called Vital Vibes, which increases the help-up speed of players by 5%. After a successful rescue, Free Fire gamers can recover up to 15 HP in a span of 5 seconds.

Similar to Alok, Dimitri is also an active Free Fire character. His ability, Healing Heartbeat, is capable of creating a 3.5-meter zone where players and their allies can self-recover after getting knocked down. They can also recover 3 HP per second for 10 seconds within the radius of this ability with a cooldown time of 85 seconds.
Note: All abilities listed above are at the characters' minimum level. Players can level up their characters to make them more powerful.
Which Free Fire character is better for rank push?

Alok is a better choice compared to Thiva and Dimitri when it comes to pushing ranks. Unlike the other two characters, the former’s ability not only helps with HP recovery, but also allows players to increase their movement and sprinting speed which is quite useful on the battlefield.
Thiva’s ability is only suitable for group/Clash Squad matches, so, in the case of solo rank push, either Dimitri or Alok must be used. While comparing Dimitri with Alok, the latter’s ability is more powerful and has a lower cooldown time.
Disclaimer: Character selection is an individual decision. Prioritizing one over another solely depends on a gamer’s playing style.
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