Amitbhai and Lokesh Gamer are two of the biggest Free Fire YouTubers from India. The former currently has 10 million subscribers on YouTube, while the latter has 9.72 million subscribers on the platform.
This article compares the two players' stats in Garena Free Fire.
Amitbhai’s Free Fire ID and stats
Amitbhai’s Free Fire ID is 206746194.
Lifetime stats

Amitbhai has played 8290 squad games and has 2258 victories to his name, making his win rate 27.23%. He has 21578 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.58. He also secured 3977 headshots at a rate of 18.43%.
When it comes to the duo mode, the YouTuber has played 4403 matches and has 753 victories, translating to a win rate of 17.10%. With 11641 kills and 2206 headshots in this mode, he has a K/D ratio of 3.19 and a headshot rate of 18.95%.
Amitbhai has also played 3413 solo games and has 282 Booyahs, maintaining a win rate of 8.26%. He has 7807 frags in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 2.49. He also secured 1861 headshots at a rate of 23.84%.
Ranked stats

Amitbhai has played 356 squad matches in the current ranked season and has won on 73 occasions, translating to a win rate of 20.50%. He has 1005 kills and 204 headshots in this mode, with a K/D ratio of 3.55 and a headshot rate of 20.30%.
The content creator has won 18 of the 211 ranked duo games that he has played, maintaining a win rate of 8.53%. He bagged 632 kills and 144 headshots in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.27 and a headshot rate of 22.78%.
Amitbhai has also played 86 ranked solo matches and has 14 Booyahs to his name, making his win rate 16.27%. He has 372 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 5.17. He also secured 126 headshots at a rate of 33.87%.
Lokesh Gamer’s Free Fire ID and stats
Lokesh Gamer’s Free Fire ID is 220528068.
Lifetime stats

Lokesh Gamer has played 3376 squad matches and has triumphed on 716 occasions, maintaining a win rate of 21.20%. With a K/D ratio and headshot rate of 2.35 and 20.90%, he has 6253 kills and 1307 headshots in these matches.
The content creator has also played 1529 duo games and has 152 victories to his name, making his win rate 9.94%. He has 2583 kills and 539 headshots in this mode, with a K/D ratio of 1.88 and a headshot rate of 20.87%.
Lokesh Gamer has played 1286 solo matches and has 133 Booyahs, translating to a win rate of 10.34%. He has 2675 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 2.32. He also secured 780 headshots at a rate of 29.16%.
Ranked stats

Lokesh Gamer has played 55 squad games in the current ranked season and has emerged victorious in 14 of them, making his win rate 25.45%. He has 158 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.85. He also registered 31 headshots at a rate of 19.62%.
The YouTuber has played 11 ranked duo games and has triumphed in 3 of them, translating to a win rate of 27.27%. He has 27 frags and 5 headshots in this mode, with a K/D ratio of 3.38 and a headshot rate of 18.52%.
In the lifetime squad and duo matches, Amitbhai has a superior K/D ratio and win rate, while Lokesh Gamer has a better headshot percentage.
Meanwhile, in the lifetime solo games, Lokesh Gamer has the edge in terms of win rate and headshot percentage, while Amitbhai has a higher K/D ratio.
The two players' stats in the ranked duo and solo modes cannot be compared as Lokesh Gamer has not played enough games. However, when it comes to the ranked squad matches, Amitbhai has a better headshot percentage, while Lokesh Gamer has a higher K/D ratio and win rate.
Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the content creators continue to play more games in Garena Free Fire.
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