Amit Sharma, aka Amitbhai, is one of the most popular Indian Free Fire content creators. He currently has 9.28 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, Desi Gamers.
Sooneeta, on the other hand, is a professional esport athlete for Team Lava. She also creates Free Fire content on her YouTube channel, which currently has 3.93 million subscribers.
Amitbhai’s Free Fire ID and stats
Amitbhai’s Free Fire ID is 206746194.
Lifetime stats

Amitbhai has played 8089 squad matches and has won on 2216 occasions, translating to a win rate of 27.39%. He has accumulated 21075 kills at a K/D ratio of 3.59 in this mode.
The YouTuber has won 741 of the 4292 duo games that he has played, making his win rate 17.26%. With 11334 frags in these matches, he has a K/D ratio of 3.19.
Amitbhai has also played 3379 solo matches and has 276 victories, maintaining a win rate of 8.16%. In the process, he killed 7624 opponents at a K/D ratio of 2.46.
Ranked stats

Amitbhai has played 177 squad games in the current ranked season and has 35 Booyahs, maintaining a win rate of 19.77%. He has 545 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.84.
The content creator has also played 110 ranked duo matches and has won on 8 occasions, translating to a win rate of 7.27%. He has 354 kills at a K/D ratio of 3.47 in this mode.
Amitbhai has 8 wins in the 55 ranked solo games that he has played, making his win rate 14.54%. He has 198 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 4.21.
Sooneeta’s Free Fire ID and stats
Sooneeta’s Free Fire ID is 131311296.
Lifetime stats

Sooneeta has played 19713 squad matches and has triumphed in 4540 of them, making his win rate 23.03%. With a K/D ratio of 3.06, she has 46389 kills in these matches.
The content creator has also played 1876 duo games and has won on 290 occasions, translating to a win rate of 15.45%. She has collected 3387 frags at a K/D ratio of 2.14 in this mode.
Sooneeta has played 881 solo games and has emerged victorious in 63 of them, maintaining a win rate of 7.15%. She has 1371 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 1.68.
Ranked stats

Sooneeta has played 432 squad games in the current ranked season and has 87 Booyahs, translating to a win rate of 20.13%. She has 1366 kills at a K/D ratio of 3.96 in this mode.
The esport athlete has 1 win in the 6 ranked duo matches that she has played, maintaining a win rate of 16.66%. She has 19 frags in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.80.
Sooneeta has not played a game in the ranked solo mode.
Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the content creators continue to play more games in Free Fire.
Also read: Ajjubhai (Total Gaming) vs. NoobGamer BBF: Who has better stats in Garena Free Fire?
In the lifetime squad, duo and solo matches, Amitbhai has the edge over Sooneeta in terms of K/D ratio and win rate.
The two players' stats in the ranked duo and solo modes cannot be compared as Sooneeta has not played enough games yet. However, when it comes to the ranked squad matches, Sooneeta has better stats than Amitbhai.
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