Amit Sharma (Amitbhai) and Ritik Jain (TSG Ritik) are two Indian content creators known for their videos on Garena Free Fire. The former operates the Desi Gamers channel, whereas the latter runs TWO SIDE GAMERS alongside TSG Jash (Jash Dhoka).
At the time of writing, Amitbhai has 13.4 million subscribers combined with a total view count of more than 2.06 billion. In comparison, the TWO SIDE GAMERS channel has 11.8 million subscribers and over 2.10 billion views.
Amitbhai’s Free Fire MAX ID and stats
Amitbhai’s Free Fire MAX ID is 206746194. Listed below are his stats:
BR Career
Amitbhai has played 4172 solo games and has 365 victories, holding up a win rate of 8.74%. He has secured 10015 kills for a K/D ratio of 2.63.
Desi Gamers has also competed in 5281 duo matches, winning 874 for a win rate of 16.54%. With 14577 eliminations, he has a K/D ratio of 3.31.
Amit Sharma has played 9783 games in the squad mode and has secured wins in 2688, maintaining a win rate of 27.47%. He has registered 27381 kills at a K/D ratio of 3.86.
BR Ranked
In the current ranked season, Amitbhai has played 78 solo games and has eight first-place finishes, retaining a win rate of 10.25%. There are 268 kills to his name for a K/D ratio of 3.83.
The content creator has made 131 appearances in duo matches and has 15 Booyahs, leading to a win rate of 11.45%. He has killed 379 enemies at a K/D ratio of 3.27.
Amitbhai has engaged in 109 squad matches and has 36 victories, making his win rate 33.02%. In the process, he has 470 kills for a K/D ratio of 6.44.
TSG Ritik’s Free Fire MAX ID and stats
TSG Ritik’s Free Fire MAX ID is 124975352. His in-game stats are as follows:
BR Career
TSG Ritik has featured in 945 solo games and has 69 wins in the mode, resulting in a win rate of 7.30%. He has 2031 frags and a K/D ratio of 2.32.
The Free Fire YouTuber has played 2378 duo games and has bettered his foes in 260 matches, possessing a win rate of 10.93%. He has accumulated 4544 kills, upholding a K/D ratio of 2.15.
Ritik Jain has played 12886 squad matches and has remained unbeaten in 2379 games, securing a win rate of 18.46%. He has 29114 frags for a K/D ratio of 2.77.
BR Ranked
TSG Ritik has competed in 20 squad games in Free Fire MAX’s ongoing season, and has one win, translating to a win rate of 5.00%. He has garnered 111 frags at a K/D ratio of 5.84.
Amitbhai vs TSG Ritik: Comparing the stats of the two YouTubers
BR Career
Looking at the BR Career stats, Amitbhai appears to have the upper hand in terms of both K/D ratio and win rate in all three modes (solo, duo, and squad).
BR Ranked
Amitbhai has the edge over TSG Ritik in the squad mode of the ongoing ranked season. Comparing their stats in the solo and duo modes wouldn’t be possible, as Ritik Jain has not appeared in any games in the two modes.
Note: Amitbhai’s and TSG Ritik’s Free Fire MAX stats were recorded when writing the article. The stats above are expected to change as the content creators continue to play more matches.
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