In Garena Free Fire MAX, like any other shooter game, most users consider headshots to be the best way to eliminate enemies. Headshots have a unique style factor on the battlefield while also ensuring that opponents get defeated with low wastage of the bullets.
However, the popularity of headshots doesn't make them any easier to execute. Headshots are among the most challenging skills, which require ample practice. Thus, despite their popularity, only a limited number of users can master headshots in Garena Free Fire/MAX.
Hence, users are advised to keep practicing hard in the game to enhance the frequency of their headshots. They can also customize the controls' HUD layout and sensitivity settings, which can surprisingly be impactful in an efficient crosshair adjustment while aiming.
Efficiency in aiming: The most suitable sensitivity and custom HUD to score frequent headshots in Free Fire MAX
It is impossible to score a headshot every time players fire a bullet, even if they are professional. Therefore, a keyword like 'auto headshot,' which YouTubers use consistently, implies the high frequency of headshots rather than conveying 100% headshots.
Similarly, the following section will also focus on assisting in enhancing the headshot frequency rather than enabling users to score 100% headshots. Furthermore, this article will only feature suitable settings, and users must work hard to master headshots.
Readers can find the ideal custom HUD layout and sensitivity settings for frequent headshots in Free Fire MAX as follows:
Custom HUD layout

HUD layout is essential as players perform every action on the battlefield using the same. Therefore, the controls' layout should complement the grip with which users hold their devices. This will allow them to efficiently aim, move, shoot, and perform other actions.
If players want to enhance the ease of executing headshots, they should choose a 4-finger setup involving both thumbs and index fingers. Thus, users get better access to multiple buttons, which they can utilize to enhance their movement capabilities.
However, one should remember that it is hard to master a 4-finger layout. Hence, players will have to spend plenty of time in the training mode adjusting the buttons and getting used to the new customized HUD. Once mastered, players can have better control over their aim and general movement.
Readers can refer to the image given above to figure out the placement of their HUD layout in the Free Fire MAX settings. They can copy the given layout as it is and make the adjustments in the training mode to make the 4-finger claw setup used for their grip.
Sensitivity settings

Apart from the HUD layout, the ease of swiping and sliding in Free Fire MAX is also decisive in whether players will be able to execute headshots efficiently or not. Due to appropriate sensitivity settings, the movement is neither sluggish nor unstable.
Hence, users can consider the following tweaks if they want an excellent sensitivity for aiming and movement:
- General: 96-100
- Red Dot: 93-97
- 2x Scope: 84-88
- 4x Scope: 55-59
- Sniper Scope: 48-52
- Free Look: 81-85
One can set their sensitivity within the given range and optimize it later if they find discomfort while playing.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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