Now that Free Fire MAX is the most downloaded mobile game in India, many players are curious to learn tips and tricks to get better at the gameplay. One of the best aspects is that they can still use their old accounts. This means their progress in Free Fire will be reflected in the enhanced version of the battle royale game.
The ultimate goal of players is survival in the Free Fire MAX. They might have to face enemies in the process. Hence, to inflict maximum damage, players often aim for the head. Mobile gamers need to ensure they have good accuracy to hit this mark.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinion of the author.
Free Fire MAX sensitivity settings
Mobile gamers have the option to tweak their sensitivity in the battle royale game. They can change the "scope" and "free look" sensitivity to help them improve their accuracy. They can use the following settings to perfect their headshots in the battle royale game:
- General: 95
- Red Dot: 85
- 2x Scope: 70
- 4x Scope: 70
- Sniper Scope: 25
- Free Look: 70
After tweaking their sensitivity settings, players must repeatedly practice in unranked matches. Thereby, they can easily achieve their goals when they play the ranked mode in the battle royale game.
Players must also remember not to blindly copy the sensitivity settings of professional gamers. The settings depend on their individual playstyle and objectives. Copying others’ sensitivities without doing proper analysis can do more harm than good.
Character selection
Free Fire MAX players can choose from a wide range of characters. If players want to improve their accuracy, they can select D-bee or Laura.
Using his ability, Bullet Beats, D-bee helps in improving the movement speed of players when they are firing while moving. Laura, with her ability Sharp Shooter, also boosts accuracy while mobile gamers are scoped in.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.