A common wish amongst players in the Free Fire community is to improve their own gameplay and become more proficient than their peers. With this objective in mind, users generally search for different things that might aid them in their efforts to rise to the top of the rankings.
Among the most important aspects, they have to incorporate on the battlefield is the ability to hit instant headshots and have quick movement. To accomplish the same, individuals will be required to utilize the appropriate sensitivity and control settings, with the following section listing the best available ones.
Note: As Free Fire is banned in India by the government, players from the country must not download or play it on their devices. They may, however, try the MAX version, which wasn’t suspended.
Free Fire: Best sensitivity and control settings for players to hit headshots and have quick movements
Sensitivity settings

These are the finest sensitivity settings that players can incorporate in Free Fire to hit headshots:
- General: 95 – 100
- Red Dot: 90 – 100
- 2x Scope: 75-85
- 4x Scope: 70-80
- Sniper Scope: 65-75
- Free Look: 80-90
It may take a few days to get adjusted to these settings, but once users do, they’ll witness a noticeable improvement in their overall movement and gameplay. In addition, they can further tailor it to their own needs and playing style, making it even more effective.
With this sensitivity setting in effect, players will be able to flick their crosshairs onto the heads of their opponents at a quicker pace, making their aim precise. However, they will have to keep practicing to improve as the settings wouldn’t directly give them the ability to land perfect headshots.
Control settings

Here are the recommended Control Settings:
- Aim Precision: Default
- Left Fire Button: Always
- Quick Weapon Switch: On
- Quick Reload: Off
- Hold Fire to Scope: On
- Grenade Slot: Double Slot
- Vehicle Controls: Two-handed
- Auto-parachute: On
- Run Mode: Classic
- In-game tips: Default
- Kill notifications: On
- Damage Indicator: New
- Auto Switch Gun: On
- Visual Effects: Classic
- Free Look: On
- Parachute: On
- Sprint: Off
- Drive: Off
- Hitmarker: New
- Teammate Info: Translucent
Users can alter them based on their preferences, as most of these settings will not affect their aim or movement in any manner.
How to change settings
The steps to change the settings in Free Fire are:
Step 1: First, gamers should open the game and tap on the ‘Settings’ icon, which is located in the top right area.

Step 2: After that, users can visit the ‘Controls’ and ‘Sensitivity’ sections one by one and change them.
They may also change additional settings to improve their overall experience while playing the battle royale game.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.