Garena Free Fire's collaborative events have been responsible for the arrival of many special edition items to the game. Many in-game characters have also been a part of Garena's partnership with celebrities like CR7 (Chrono), DJ duo DVLM (Dimitri and Thiva), DJ Alok (Alok), and many more.
K, also known as Captain Booyah, is another character based on a real-life personality, KSHMR, an American Musician.
The active ability character is among the most robust options in Free Fire. K is quite efficient in defensive and attacking gameplay strategies in both BR and CS modes.
However, if the newbies use K for the first time, they might need to tweak their sensitivities while controlling the movement.
Captain Booyah in Garena Free Fire: Sensitivity settings that suit K

K has an active ability, "Master of All," that enhances the maximum EP for the players. The enhanced EP increases the capability of HP (hit point/health point) recovery through conversion for the users.
In addition to the max EP, users get two of the following modes (with a three-second mode switch cool down) for the ability:
- Psychology: Players can benefit from a three-point EP recovery every 2.2 seconds until the maximum EP bar fills up.
- Jiu-Jitsu: It generates a power-up for teammates, which will allow them to have a five-time increase in EP conversion rate. Allies need to lie within 6m-radius of Captain Booyah.

Like every other ability in Free Fire, "Master of All" has the following attributes at different levels:
Level 1:
- EP recovery interval - 2.2 seconds
- Max EP - 150
Level 2:
- EP recovery interval - 2 seconds
- Max EP - 170
Level 3:
- EP recovery interval - 1.8 seconds
- Max EP - 190
Level 4:
- EP recovery interval - 1.6 seconds
- Max EP - 210
Level 5:
- EP recovery interval - 1.4 seconds
- Max EP - 230
Level 6:
- EP recovery interval - 1 second
- Max EP - 250

Continuous EP recovery allows users to adopt an attacking gameplay strategy in a Free Fire match. Hence, users need to adjust their sensitivities to suit the quick movement in close-quarter scuffles. Therefore, those equipping K can use the sensitivity settings for short-range fights given below:
- General: 94-98
- Red Dot: 92-96
- 2x Scope: 81-85
Adjustments for longer ranges and Free Look are optional:
- 4x Scope: 53-57
- Sniper Scope: 49-53
- Free Look: 76-80
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.
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