In the Indian mobile gaming community, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) and Free Fire rank among the most popular titles. Its enormous playerbase can be attributed to the developers who provide the users with unique content to enjoy.
The truth is that not every player is equipped with a high-end device to play these games, and a lot of people use devices with lower specifications. These players worry about performance, gameplay and other variables when choosing a game. This article evaluates which title is better for such devices.
Note: This article is wholly based on the opinion of the writer. The choice between Free Fire and BGMI may vary from player to player.
Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) vs Free Fire: Comparison for low-end devices
The minimum requirements for Free Fire are stated below:
- OS: Android 4.4
- CPU: Dual core 1.2GHz
- RAM: 1GB
- Storage: 1.5GB+
The minimum requirements for Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) are stated on Google Play Store:
"BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA recommended system requirements: Android 5.1.1 or above and at least 2 GB RAM memory."
Now, it is quite obvious that Free Fire has lower device requirements when compared to BGMI.
Modes and gameplay
BGMI and Free Fire offer countless game modes for players, including TDM and Clash Squad, respectively, along with the classic battle royale modes.
With 50 players in a match, Free Fire has a quicker pace. There are also aspects such as characters and pets with abilities, which affect the gameplay. Meanwhile, BGMI's gameplay is pretty similar to the game's global version, in which 100 players drop onto an island and fight it out to the end.
Generally, either game can be chosen by the players according to their personal preference. However, Free Fire seems to be a better option when it comes to low-end devices due to its greater compatibility and lesser requirements.
Free Fire seems to perform better on such mobile phones and provide smoother gameplay. As a result, those with low-end mobiles can opt for Free Fire and enjoy the quick-paced battle royale title.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.