Akash, popularly known as Digital Gamer, is an upcoming Indian Free Fire MAX content creator. The YouTuber started his journey with Garena's battle royale title about three years ago, and over the years, his subscriber count has reached 900k. His content primarily revolves around upcoming game events, updates, and features.
The YouTuber also enjoys 9k followers on his Instagram handle. Here is a look at his Free Fire ID, stats, and other details.
What is Digital Gamer's Free Fire ID?
Digital Gamer's Free Fire ID is 1884889634. He is the leader of the Digital Army guild, whose ID is 3018005833.
The YouTuber has made it to Platinum 3 in BR-Ranked Season 33 and Heroic in the CS-Ranked Season 18. His latest Free Fire MAX stats are as follows:
BR Career stats
Digital Gamer has played 1690 solo matches and won 47 games, amounting to a win rate of 2.78%. He has secured 2613 frags, corresponding to a K/D ratio of 1.59.
The Indian player has 22 wins in 413 duo matches, which boils down to a win rate of 5.32%. He has bagged 538 eliminations, chalking up a K/D ratio of 1.38.
Finally, Digital Gamer has contested in 1854 squad matches and has finished first 191 times, culminating in a win rate of 10.30%. During the matches, he accumulated 2942 eliminations at a K/D ratio of 1.77.
BR Ranked stats
In the current Free Fire ranked season, the content creator has attained two Booyahs in 62 solo games, which brings his win rate down to 3.22%. With 144 eliminations, Digital Gamer has maintained a K/D ratio of 2.40.
He has made one appearance in a ranked duo game during BR-Ranked Season 33 and accrued a single frag at a K/D ratio of 1.
The YouTuber has also won one out of ten squad games, resulting in a win rate of 10%. He has killed 27 opponents while averaging three frags per death.
Note: Digital Gamer's stats were retrieved from Free Fire MAX on May 6, 2023. The numbers are expected to change as the YouTuber features in more games in the battle royale title.
Estimated monthly income
According to Social Blade, the estimated monthly revenue generated through the Digital Gamer YouTube channel is predicted to be around $254 and $4.1k. The forecasts for the entire year are between the range of $3k to $48.7k.
YouTube channel
The Digital Gamer channel achieved its first 1000 subscribers in November 2020. This number crossed the 100k mark by mid-2021 and later got to 500k subscribers in August 2021. The content creator has over 668 uploads, which have racked in over 56 million views.
The channel has been expanding rapidly. As per Social Blade, Digital Gamer received 9k subscribers the previous month, and his views have increased by 1.015 million in the same time frame.
Note: Due to the government-imposed restrictions, Indian players are advised to refrain from playing Free Fire. Instead, they may engage in the MAX version.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.