The Factory Challenge is a highly popular custom room game mode in Free Fire, first played by famous YouTubers. This match type is one of the most widely played custom room challenges in Free Fire.
In this challenge, players land on the Factory's roof (a location on the Bermuda map) to battle each other with their bare hands. They can also use melee weapons, and the last man standing wins the match.
Players can choose from any character in the game. This article compares DJ Alok and Wukong, two of the most sought-after characters, to determine who is better for the Factory Challenge in Free Fire.
Analyzing the abilities of DJ Alok and Wukong in Free Fire
DJ Alok

Ability: Drop the Beat
Skill Type: Active
Drop the Beat, the active ability of DJ Alok, emits a five-meter aura that increases teammate movement speed by 10% and regenerates 5 HP/s for five seconds.
It also boosts the teammate's movement speed by 15% and heals 5 HP/s for ten seconds at the highest level (Level 6).

Ability: Camouflage
Skill type: Active
Wukong's active ability Camouflage can transform the player into a bush for 10 seconds. The CD is of 300 seconds, and transformation ends when the player attacks an opponent. However, the CD resets when they take down an enemy.
Wukong's CD period reduces to 200 seconds at max level, and the transformation duration increases to 15 seconds.
Verdict: Who is better?
When Wukong transforms into a bush, players cannot hit him. Hence, players can use his ability to defend themselves from enemy blows. Alok's healing ability and faster movement speed allow players to have an HP advantage during fistfights.
Hence, Wukong's skill falls short when compared to the benefits provided by Alok. It is safe to say that the latter's ability is much better to use in the Factory Challenge in Free Fire.
Note: Since the Factory Challenge is a custom room mode in Garena Free Fire, the weapon choice solely depends on the individual player. The fights are usually 1v1, and the weapons used are melee and fists. This article compares the two characters based on these criteria.
Also read: DJ Alok vs. Xayne in Garena Free Fire: Abilities of the two characters compared
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