The mobile gaming community in India has witnessed a particularly tumultuous 2020, with frequent ups and downs through the year. From PUBG Mobile continuing its upwards trend to swiftly getting banned, which was followed closely by FAU-G rearing its head out of seemingly nowhere, it has been an eventful year.
FAU-G, the multiplayer game, was announced shortly after PUBG Mobile was put to the sword along with several other apps with ties to Chinese companies. A project undertaken by nCORE Games, this is a military-themed action title that depicts real-life conflicts in which the Indian military has been involved in.
The game worked up a storm in the industry and the community, with fans cautiously optimistic regarding its eventual release. However, with PUBG Mobile now set to make a massive comeback, FAU-G doesn't seem particularly poised to succeed.
Amid the talk around PUBG Mobile India, fans are still eager to know more about FAU-G, as according to an earlier announcement, it was scheduled for a November release.
With November almost done, fans request update on FAU-G's release
Fans have been vocal regarding the lack of communication surrounding FAU-G and how players still have little to no idea about the game's release date. nCORE Games already has its work cut out as going up against mammoths of the industry such as Free Fire and PUBG Mobile will be an uphill battle.
As November is coming to an end, there has been no announcement relating to FAU-G, leading many fans to flood to Twitter with queries, opinions, and, of course, memes.
nCORE Games, in multiple interviews, has stated that FAU-G is not looking to compete in the battle royale space, as PUBG Mobile does. There are not enough gameplay details available currently, and with no official announcement in sight, all fans can do right now is wait.
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