Sandeep Panwar, aka FF Antaryami, is a gaming content creator hailing from Uttarakhand, India, and is immensely popular in YouTube's Free Fire community. He currently has 3.02 million subscribers on his channel.
FF Antaryami has amassed 180k subscribers and 28.334 million views on the channel in the last 30 days.
FF Antaryami’s Free Fire ID and stats
FF Antaryami’s Free Fire ID is 297537840. His stats lifetime and ranked stats are given below:
Lifetime stats

FF Antaryami has competed in 11454 squad games and has bagged 2382 victories, boasting a win rate of 20.79%. He has 32263 kills and a K/D ratio of 3.56 in this mode.
The YouTuber has also played 5037 duo matches and has won 444 of them, making his win rate 8.81%. He eliminated 14579 opponents in these matches, earning a K/D ratio of 3.17.
FF Antaryami has 301 Booyahs in 3844 solo games, translating to a 7.83% win rate. He has a K/D ratio of 2.41 in this mode, with a total of 8550 kills.
Ranked stats

FF Antaryami has participated in 105 ranked squad matches this season and has emerged victorious in 21 of them, maintaining a win rate of 20%. He has 424 frags and a K/D ratio of 5.05 in this mode.
The content creator has also featured in 220 ranked duo matches and has won 8 times, resulting in a win rate of 3.63%. He has 630 kills in these matches, making his K/D ratio 2.97.
FF Antaryami has engaged in 15 ranked solo matches and has a single victory to his name, translating to a win rate of 6.67%. He has 32 kills in this mode, with a K/D ratio of 2.29.
(Note: The Free Fire stats used in this article were collected at the time of writing and are subject to change)
FF Antaryami’s income

FF Antaryami’s estimated monthly and yearly income from YouTube is $7.1K - $113.3K and $85K - $1.4 million, respectively (via Social Blade).
FF Antaryami’s YouTube channel
FF Antaryami’s has been creating content on YouTube for over one-and-a-half years. The oldest video on his channel was posted back in January 2020.
FF Antaryami has 387 videos on the channel, with 423 million views combined.
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