Over 1.2 million cheaters have been banned from Free Fire.
The developers of Garena Free Fire are continuously working not only on the addition of new features but also to enhance their anti-cheat system. This ensures that users get the best possible gameplay experience.
Often, players who desire to reach the top of the ranked ladder succumb to the usage of illicit tools and applications.
Free Fire has a zero-tolerance policy against any form of cheating or hacking and once players are caught indulging in illegitimate activities, they will be appropriately punished and permanently banned from the game.
The developers share their development on their crackdown on hacking and cheating via a ban notice on their social media handles. Today, they released a notice on their Facebook account in which they have provided the exact number of bans along with the reasons.
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Free Fire hacks: Anti-cheat system bans 1,255,033 accounts in two weeks

The Facebook posts state:
“Here’s an update for all of our players! In the last two weeks, the total accounts we’ve banned amounted to 1,255,033. Out of all the accounts, 45% were reported by players.”
“We’ve also adjusted anti-hack measures and optimized our detection methods for a better gaming experience! Continue to play fairly and keep the game fun for all.”
The developers have banned 1,255,033 accounts in the last two weeks. Also, out of the suspended accounts, 45% of accounts were reported by the players.
The snippet below shows a detailed analysis of the reasons for the ban.

- 42% Auto Aim
- 40% Teleport
- 11% Through Wall
- 5% Others
- 2% Antenna
Apart from this, about 42,488 accounts were penalized for intentionally teaming up with cheaters.

A few days ago, the developers had also posted about their progress against their cheaters.
Also Read: Raistar vs Syblus: Who has the better stats in Free Fire?
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