Garena Free Fire is one of the most popular mobile games around the globe. It has crossed 100M+ downloads on the Google Playstore. Free Fire is a battle royale game in which 50 players are spawned on a remote island. The objective is to be the last survivor. The players can acquire weapons, throwables, and other accessories that help them to beat their opponents.
Since Free Fire is an online game, the ping or network latency plays a vital role in deciding the winner of the game. Low ping is quite crucial in winning the game, and a high ping can also be a reason for the lag in the game. The ping rate is displayed in the top left corner of the screen, and is measured in milliseconds.

How to fix the ping issue in Free Fire?
If you are fed up with the high ping and the unusual lag, there is no need to worry, as there are several solutions to fix this issue:
#1 Use Wifi Connection
Playing the game on a mobile network can be a reason for this issue. If the network range is low, then the ping can be high. This in turn can cause a lag in the game. Wifi offers a constant internet speed, that can keep the ping low.
#2 Internet Speed
The speed of the internet is one of the significant factors that decide the ping. Higher the internet speed, the lower will be the ping. The players can check their internet speed by downloading the Speedtest app by Okla, and check the quality of their internet connection by running a speed test.

#3 Choose the Nearest Server
To ensure a low ping, the player should be playing in the nearest server or region. So make sure that you have selected your region correctly to avoid ping issues during a game.
#4 Close Background Apps
Some apps in your device like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. keep running in the background, and can consume your data speed while you are playing the game. So make sure to close the background apps before entering a game. This will also free up your RAM and lower the ping.

#5 Avoid VPN
The primary purpose of a VPN is to connect your server to some other location, which can cause a high ping issue. To keep the ping low, don't use VPN apps while playing the game.
#6 Low Storage Space
Always keep sufficient storage space in your device while playing the game. Low storage space can slow your device, and increase the ping. You can backup your images and videos using cloud storage like Photos app by Google.
#7 Connection Report
Free Fire offers an option to send them the connection report if you are experiencing connection problems which could be a reason for high ping. The connection report can be sent by navigating to the game settings.

Also Read: Free Fire Wonderland APK Download; Get free costume, headset, permanent skin and more
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