Garena Free Fire MAX and its variant offer players many exciting features, making the gameplay far more exciting than many other Android/iOS shooter games. Character abilities and aesthetically pleasing gun skins with enhanced capabilities are two categories that attract many users toward FF and FF MAX.
However, Free Fire MAX has plenty of f2p users who avoid spending diamonds on characters and weapon skins in the game. For such players, Garena has brought a new time-limited event called Daily Trials, allowing many to try out popular characters and gun skins in FF MAX for 24 hours once players have claimed them as a reward.
February 24 is the first day of Daily Trials, and in the following section, readers will learn more about the rewards and claiming procedure.
Free Fire MAX Daily Trials: How to claim Alok and Skull Hunter AK47 for free with 24-hour validity (February 24, 2023)

The latest Daily Trials event is a part of the Chroma Futura campaign in Free Fire and its MAX version. As part of the event, players will claim free guns and characters with 24-hour validity every day. On the first day of Daily Trials, Garena introduced the following rewards:
- Alok (24h)
- AK47 - Skull Hunter (24h)
Alok is one of the most sought-after Free Fire MAX characters, while AK47 - Skull Hunter is an impressive weapon cosmetic with adjusted stats that are an upgrade over the base gun.

Here are the adjusted attributes of Skull Hunter AK47 in FF and FF MAX:
- Damage - ++
- Range - –
- Reload Speed - +

Once players have claimed the 24h variant of gun skin, they will get 1% lifetime progress.

Readers can follow the step-by-step guide given below to claim both rewards with 24-hour validity for free in the game before February 25, 3:59:59 AM (IST):
Step 1: Launch the latest version of the game on your device.
Step 2: Sign into the game with your preferred login method. You can also use a guest account to enter the game.
If you are a guest account user, you cannot save your progress online and might lose your in-game data with an uninstallation or update. Therefore, bind your account before the next update, allowing you to save your progress online.
It will allow you to synchronize your gameplay progress and other in-game data on different devices while synching FF and FF MAX, provided you use the same account to sign into either game.
Step 3: After entering the game, tap the calendar icon and stay on the Chroma Futura tab.
Step 4: Select the Daily Trials event and click the Claim buttons to receive free rewards.
The subsequent free gun and character pair with 24-hour validity will be available on February 25, 2023, at 4:00:00 am (IST). So, ensure to claim today's rewards before the mentioned deadline.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.