Following the launch of the Moco Store, Garena has added a new Faded Wheel to the Free Fire MAX Indian server. The two grand prizes in the new Luck Royale are Guardian Drachen Arrival animation and Santa’s Choice Grenade.
This particular iteration of the Faded Wheel does not have a free initial spin. Users must spend diamonds to draw one reward randomly from the entire prize pool. Since the event has kicked off today, November 16, 2022, you have until November 23, 2022, to obtain these rewards.
New Faded Wheel kicks off on Free Fire MAX Indian server
Each Free Fire MAX Faded Wheel comes with a prize pool of 10 items, and you must remove two undesired ones. The rewards up for grabs are as follows:
- Guardian Drachen arrival animation
- Santa’s Choice Grenade
- Glow Lotus Skyboard
- Glow Lotus Parachute
- Cube Fragment
- MA41 – Pink Laminate Weapon Loot Crate
- The Survivor (Male) (Top)
- Diamond Royale Voucher (Expiry date: December 31, 2022)
- Victory Wings Loot Crate
- The Survivor (Male) (Bottom)
You can remove two items except for the two grand prizes, i.e., arrival animation and grenade skin. Subsequently, you can draw one reward at a time. Once the reward is received, it cannot be repeated. Essentially, the prize pool shrinks, improving the prospects of the grand prize.
As a result, every subsequent draw will require the expenditure of more diamonds. The current cost of attaining the rewards is 9, 19, 39, 69, 99, 149, 199, and 499 diamonds, respectively.
The total acquisition cost of eight items is 1082 diamonds.
Steps to get Guardian Drachen arrival animation from the new Free Fire MAX Faded Wheel
You may follow the instructions given below to attain rewards through the Faded Wheels in Free Fire MAX:
Step 1: Select the Faded Wheel featuring Guardian Drachen from the Luck Royale section. This section can be accessed by clicking on the option from the menu on the left side.
Step 2: Select the undesired items from the entire prize pool by clicking on the button in the left corner of the icons.
Step 3: Click the confirm button and reaffirm the selection by pressing the ok button to proceed ahead. These selections cannot be reverted, so it is necessary to exercise caution moving forward.
Step 4: Finally, spend diamonds to make a spin and receive one of the eight items randomly.
You must have enough diamonds to make all the spins, as you may draw two grand prizes in the final few spins.
Step 5: After obtaining the arrival animation, this can be equipped through the vault section. You have to head to the weapon section for the grenade skin.
Faded Wheels generally provide much better value compared to individuals than direct purchases from the store. You can get all eight items for 1082, which might be of good value to a few players.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.