Garena has introduced a new Mystery Shop to the Indian server of Free Fire MAX, which players may now explore. It features the Timbered Blooms and Timbered Blossoms bundles and a variety of other appealing cosmetics at a fraction of the original price within the store.
By offering items at discounts as high as 90%, the Mystery Shop has always instilled a sense of excitement and enthusiasm. Typically, gamers amass diamonds and wait with bated breath for the event to spend the in-game currency.
Free Fire MAX Mystery Shop offers Legendary bundles, skins, and more at a discount
The new Free Fire MAX Mystery Shop kicked off on 3 May and will remain open for users to make purchases over the next few days. They will be required to draw a discount percentage and may obtain up to a 90% price cut, which is possibly the finest offer in the game at any given time.
As with past Mystery Shops, it will include two distinct prize pools, each containing a unique bundle as the grand prize. Gamers cannot acquire them straightaway and must first obtain items worth 75 diamonds to make them accessible for purchase.
They can switch between reward pools with the use of 10 diamonds. Users may also swap for free after purchasing the ultimate grand prize — bundles.
The items available in the event are as follows:
Prize pool 1
- Timbered Blooms Bundle
- Rose Bandana
- Incubator Voucher (Expiry 31 May)
- Predatory Cobra Token Box 1
- Green Flame Draco Token Box 1
- Mobster
- Sensei Tig pet
- Show off action
- Pet Skin: Ice Sensei Tig
- Pickup Truck – Flame Draco
- Viking’s Spirit backpack
- Witch’s Broomstick surfboard
- Quiff Cut
- Diamond Royale Voucher (Expiry 31 May)
Prize Pool 2
- Timbered Blossoms Bundle
- Timbered Charmer – Galaxy (Mask)
- Name Change Card
- Blue Flame Draco Token Box
- Megalodon Alpha Token Box
- Screamer mask
- Mr Waggor pet
- Show off action
- Pet Skin: Cyber Waggor
- Auto Rickshaw
- Haunting Night Backpack
- Jungle Excursion
- Earthhelm
- Weapon Royale Voucher (Expiry 31 May)
It is crucial to remember that the prize pool may vary slightly if individuals already own a specific item.
Accessing Mystery Shop in Free Fire MAX to get rewards
Step 1: Players must sign in to their Free Fire MAX accounts and click on the Mystery Shop section in the top right corner.
Step 2: They need to draw the Lucky Discount by clicking on the “Try Your Luck” button. Subsequently, a random prize pool will also appear on the screen.
Step 3: Users can purchase the desired item from each prize pool.
They can certainly try their hand at the event even if they have limited diamonds. Suppose gamers draw a 90% discount, they can get a whole lot of items for 100 diamonds or less.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.