Garena Free Fire releases Advance Server to test all new features before their implementation in the game.
The Free Fire OB27 Advance Server has been released, and it features a plethora of new features to improve the overall experience. If players desire to try out the latest content, they can use the APK file from the official website.
The following is a list of new features added to the Advance Server.
Note: Not every element present in the OB27 Advance Server is introduced with the official update
Free Fire OB27 Advance Server features
#1 Training Island changes

In the Social Zone of Batou, a new boxing ring has been added where the players can challenge their friends to a match.
#2 Firearms
New gun – Kord

Following the previous few Advance Servers, it also features a new firearm – Kord. The game wields a high magazine capacity but is limited on the fire rate front. However, the gun's exact statistics will only be known once it is added with the update.
New Akimbo USP

A second akimbo weapon, USP, has been made added. Unlike Vector, it is available as a set itself and is named USP – 2.
Addition of Flamethrower in battle royale mode
Apart from the two new additions, the Flamethrower was spotted in battle royale mode.
#3 New characters
Mystery character

This Advance Server also features a Mystery character, and it has a passive ability named Falcon Fervor which increases the damage with a distance of up to 5%. At the same time, damage on the marked enemies has increased by 5%.

Xayne is the other new character introduced in the Free Fire OB27 Advance Server. It boasts an active ability that gets 100 HP temporarily and increases the damage to Gloo Walls and shields by 50%. However, there is a very long cooldown time of 150s which is only the higher end of the scale.
Awakened Andrew

It will be the third awakened character in the game after Kelly and Hayato. It has a passive ability called the Wolf Pack, and it leads to an armor damage reduction boosted by 8%. Also, the players receive an additional 0.15 reduction for every user having this skill in the team.
#4 New Pet – Moony

Pets are the companions of the players on the battleground. A new pet called Moony has been added to the Advance Server.
Skill: Paranormal Protection
Description: 20% damage reduction when the owner is in interaction countdown (e.g., using Med Kit, repairing, etc.).
Also read: Gyan Sujan (Gyan Gaming) vs. AS Gaming: Who has better stats in Free Fire?
#5 Integration of abilities of Awakened characters

One of the important changes in the characters is that the normal and awakened abilities have been merged into one and will occupy a single slot.
#6 Character ability balance

The abilities of certain characters have been nerfed and buffed. Two of the notable changes have been in Time Turner (Cooldown increased) and Camouflage (Cooldown decreased).
#7 Character UI changes and level up system
A new character UI has been implemented to make it more accessible for the players to change characters and abilities before the match's commencement.
#8 New game mode

A new game mode, Convoy Crunch, was spotted in the OB27 Advance Server. In this mode, the player's objective is to spot the vehicle (convoy) from reaching its destination. For this, at the commencement of the round, they will have the option to select the loadout.
#9 New custom room card

A new red custom room card has also been added to it. It offers a higher degree of customization and more features.
Players can watch the entire stream by Ungraduate Gamer to know more about the Free Fire OB27 Advance Server features.
Also read: Ajjubhai (Total Gaming) vs. Ms Rainbow: Who has better stats in Free Fire?
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