Free Fire and COD Mobile, are frequently pitted against each other to be one of the better battle royale titles in the esports industry. Even though they both have the same theme of the last man standing, fans are still torn over which of the two is the better.
Both games have a Battle Royale mode in addition to other modes. Since Battle Royale is the core theme and concept of these games, this article will compare them by analyzing all the aspects of a battle royale experience: gameplay, graphics, and in-game features.
Comparing the battle royale experience of COD Mobile and Free Fire
#1 - Gameplay
The gameplay style is the most important factor to consider in a BR title. Free Fire's gameplay is arcade-style, with competitive, quick, and intense matches that provide the most immersive experience on the virtual field.
COD Mobile's action is much faster, and its BR mode is also inspired by arcade styling. If one prefers faster-paced gameplay, COD Mobile is a great choice due to its performance, movement speed, and smoothness.
Free Fire also hosts shorter, quicker, and intense matches with even lesser time than that of COD Mobile. Free Fire requires 10-15 minutes to complete a match whereas, COD Mobile requires at least 30 minutes to finish a game.
#2 - In-game feature
COD Mobile, with its massive assortment of guns and epic Battle Royale, combats feature larger maps with dynamic in-game features like using BR class, zip-lining, flying a helicopter, etc.
Free Fire hosts the feature that is unique to this game only. It hosts characters and pets that can use their abilities while playing a BR match. It is a very interesting feature that engages most of the players and besides abilities, it also adds other dynamic features like zip-lining, surfboarding, etc.
Also read: How to earn Relentless Medal in COD Mobile Season 2
#3 - Graphics

COD Mobile and Free Fire both have high frame rate options as well as excellent HD graphic settings. The former, on the other hand, has higher sharpness, contrast, and map detailing, which adds a lot of vibrancy and diversity to the gaming experience.
Meanwhile, Free Fire takes a more cartoony and arcade-styled approach to the game's graphics. However, it has vibrant color frames which are appreciated by many players.
Both these titles offer a diverse and rich battle royale experience to their players. If players are more inclined towards having an original and more realistic battle royale experience, they can opt for COD Mobile.
But, if players like to experiment with exclusive and engaging features within a BR match, Free Fire is their go-to game.
Also read: 5 best Free Fire pets to pair with DJ Alok in April 2021
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.