Free Fire offers various customization choices to users that they may use to improve the appearance of their profiles. One of them is "Signatures," which can be personalized by including a line, a phrase, or other text of their own. They typically show up below the battle style and social style whenever someone visits their profile.
Players can use hex codes to include colorful text in their signatures. However, many users are not aware of the procedure that must be followed to do this. Here's a guide on accomplishing it.
Free Fire: Guide on how to change the color of the signature
As previously mentioned, users will have to use the hex code to change the color of the signature. They can follow the steps below to do so:
Step 1: Gamers must first launch Free Fire and then touch the banner in the top-left corner to reach their profile section.
Step 2: As a next step, users must click the "Edit" icon, which is shown below:

Step 3: The "Player Info" dialog box will appear. They will subsequently need to tap on the "Signature" option.

Step 4: Users can then insert the desired color's hex code prior to their signature in Free Fire. They can, for example, enter the code "FF0000" for the red color.
Step 5: Finally, they can use the OK button to confirm their actions. A modification in the color of their signature will be made.
Note: Individuals must note that the hex code needs to be in square brackets[ ].
Common hex codes
Here are a few of the hex codes of the colors that players can use to make their signatures unique:
- White: FFFFFF
- Silver: C0C0C0
- Maroon: 800000
- Blue: 0000FF
- Purple: 800080
- Green: 008000
- Yellow: FFFF00
- Fuchsia: FF00FF
- Orange: FFA500
- Aqua: 00FFFF
- Red: FF0000
They can visit this website to find more hex codes for the colors.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.