The Feathered Aura Arrival Animation was recently introduced in Free Fire, and this premium item can be acquired through a new Faded Wheel event. After obtaining the special animation, one can make a grand entry into the lobby screen, making them stand out. Faded Wheel also offers a few other themed items, including a motorbike skin, loot box skin, and more.
Rewards like the Feathered Aura Arrival Animation are highly sought after within the game’s community, as they add to the overall aesthetics of an in-game profile. As a result, interested users can certainly spend the necessary number of Diamonds to get their hands on the same.
More details on obtaining the Featured Aura Arrival Animation are provided below.
How to get Feathered Aura Arrival Animation in Free Fire from Faded Wheel
Garena introduced the Feathered Aura Faded Wheel in the game on October 29, 2024. It will remain available for one week, and you can obtain the Feathered Aura Animation by using spins in this event.
Like every other Faded Wheel added to the game, you must start by removing two unwanted items to get the final prize pool. Once this is done, you should make spins by utilizing Diamonds.
The event's rewards get greyed out after they drop, and you are guaranteed to get all the items within a total of eight spins. However, the cost of spins increase every time you make one. For instance, the first spin starts at an affordable price of nine Diamonds, whereas the final one costs 699 Diamonds.
Gamers must not miss out on this opportunity to get the Feathered Aura Arrival Animation in Free Fire, considering that it might not return for a while. However, those who don’t possess a considerable amount of Diamonds should avoid spending that currency on this Luck Royale and wait for FF events like Mystery Shop, which provide better deals.
A step-by-step guide to obtaining the Feathered Aura Arrival Animation in Free Fire
The following steps can be followed to access the event and get the Feathered Aura Arrival Animation in Free Fire:
Step 1: Open the Luck Royale section inside the game and access the Feathered Aura Faded Wheel event.
Step 2: Once the event appears on the screen, you must remove two unwanted items from the prize pool.
It is advisable to get rid of the Armor Crate and Supply Crate, given that they don’t have a lot of value and can be obtained easily.
Step 3: Make spins using the game’s premium currency, Diamonds. Every time you try your luck, you will get an item from the event's prize pool. Subsequently, that item will be greyed out.
Once you acquire the Feathered Aura Arrival Animation in Free Fire, you can equip it by going to the Emote section under the Vault tab.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.