Free Fire offers a wide range of appealing and fascinating cosmetics, with gun skins being most sought after. They provide firearms with a unique esthetic while also adding attributes, making them even more lethal.
Players often look to events as an alternative to spending diamonds to attain freebies. Occasionally, they can offer gun crates and sometimes skins directly as rewards for accomplishing specific missions.
The new "Max is Here" event is slated to commence on 25 September and will offer exclusive the AWM Duke Swallowtail, among other rewards. Gamers need to complete simple missions like playing a given number of matches with friends, securing specific kills, and winning a game after its commencement.
Items up for grabs include:
- 1x Room Card: Playing one game with friends.
- 2x Weapon Royale Voucher: Playing three games with friends.
- 3x Hurricane Delivery Weapon Loot Crate: Eliminating the ten enemies.
- AWM Duke Swallowtail (14 days): 1 booyah in battle royale or clash squad match
Since all these missions are relatively simple and there is time until 27 September, users should not miss out on these attractive rewards.
Steps to obtain free AWM skins this week in Free Fire

The attributes for the AWM skin are as follows:
- Rate of Fire: "++"
- Reload speed: "-"
- Magazine: "+"
A "+" indicates an increase, while "-" denotes a decrease.
Once gamers have accomplished a single Booyah in the Battle Royale or Clash Squad modes, they can follow these steps to attain the rewards:

Step 1: You need to load up Free Fire and open the Events area by pressing the calendar icon.
Step 2: Next, you should navigate through the events tab and select Max is Here.

Step 3: You must press the claim button beside the AWM Duke Swallowtail to obtain it.
After you have attained the skin, it may be equipped from Weapon > Armory.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.