Events play a vital role in keeping users interested in Free Fire MAX by offering various incentives in return for completing the different tasks. The Ramadan-based celebrations have recently drawn to a close. However, there are numerous others still running.
Additionally, in recent days, new content associated with the upcoming tournament, i.e., Free Fire World Series, has started dropping into the game. Through the same, free Diamond Royale vouchers, skins, and other goodies are currently available to those willing to complete the missions.
Getting free Diamond Royale vouchers and more rewards in Free Fire MAX (India server)
Diamond Royale Vouchers (Training Camp – Shooting Training)

Shooting Training is one of the mini-games that users can find after visiting the ‘Training Camp’ section in Free Fire MAX. To begin with, users must complete different daily missions to get tokens to play the mini-game. They can then accumulate points by shooting at the targets.
Once a specified number of points have been gathered, players will be rewarded. The following is a rundown of each item:
- 400 points: 3x Pet Food
- 600 points: 1x Gold Royale Voucher
- 900 points: 1x Gold Royale Voucher
- 1500 points: 1x Diamond Royale Voucher (Expires on 30 June)
- 2000 points: Haven Guardian Skyboard
In the mini-game, three different difficulties are available, and here are the points that players can earn through them:
Easy mode
- At Head: 5 points
- At body: 3 points
- At Legs: 1 point
Medium mode
- At Head: 8 points
- At body: 5 points
- At Legs: 3 points
Hard mode
- At Head: 20 points
- At body: 7 points
- At Legs: 5 points
Other rewards
Cumulative Login
Gamers should log in a given number of days to get their hands on the rewards in the Cumulative Login event. There isn’t any other task that they must complete.
Here are the specifics:
1) Login 1 day: Pet Food
2) Login 3 days: Gold Royale Voucher
3) Login 5 days: Haven Guardian Parachute
Lucky Draw

A Lucky Draw is also present under Training Camp, and there are 90 FFWS Jackets that the developers will hand out. Users only have to spend one token on sending their entry, but their accounts must be above level 10 to participate.
Except for those from Tamil Nadu, all Indian players will be eligible to participate in the Lucky Draw. It will be available between 3 May and 18 May, and the winners will be drawn between 22 - 24 May.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.