Like any other Free Fire MAX Elite Pass (EP), the November 2022 EP will end by the month's end. Thus, Garena has brought back its recurring offer of the discounted EP with the November edition, as fans can spin the wheel and snip the price of Elite Pass "Voltage Vengeance" by a random percentage.
However, players should understand that they will still need to spend diamonds on the November 2022 EP. Moreover, to attain the rewards from the EP, they must level up. Therefore, unlocking the Elite Pass at a lower price is only beneficial if players have already reached a higher tier in the EP section.
Voltage Vengeance Elite Pass: How to claim EP card at a cheaper rate in Free Fire MAX (November 2022)
The "Elite Pass Offer - Voltage Vengeance" event will be active in Garena Free Fire between November 28 and 30. Thus, one must claim the discount as quickly as possible. For better clarity, they can follow the step-by-step guide to claiming the random discount for Voltage Vengeance Elite Pass, given below:
Step 1: Open the latest version of Free Fire MAX on your device.
Step 2: Log into the game using any alternative of your preference.
Ensure to bind your account, as guest IDs are prone to losing in-game progress after uninstallation or updates. This will be helpful since you will be making some transactions with the "Elite Pass Offer - Voltage Vengeance" event.
Step 3: Tap on the event's banner that pops up after entering the game. Alternatively, you can access the same under the "News" tab of the in-game event section.
Step 4: On the interface of the EP-themed event, you must tap the "Spin" button to claim the random discount.
Step 5: After receiving the discount, tap the "Enter" button to access the pool, including the EP Card as the Grand Prize.
Players who have already bought the Elite Pass in Free Fire MAX will get 13 Incubator Vouchers as the Grand Prize.
Step 6: Pay the diamonds to grab the rewards from the event's prize pool via spins. You will have to pay the exact amount showing up on the screen to grab all four rewards from the prize pool.
Once you have claimed the EP Card, it will automatically unlock the November 2022 Elite Pass. You will then need to grind hard in the game to reach the highest tiers and unlock the rewards featured in the Elite Pass Section.
Besides the Cheaper Elite Pass for November 2022, players can also grab the December 2022 EP for free in Free Fire MAX and Free Fire. They will need to access the "Goodbye EP" tab after logging into the game and get a free EP Card after December 1 to unlock the Elite Pass for free.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.