Garena has launched a series of new events centered around the Moco character in Free Fire, introducing the awakened Moco. She is called Moco: Rebirth and features tons of exciting cosmetics, a big draw for the players.
Many events started today, one of which is Coder’s Crib, where users can attain exclusive pins, parachutes, pet skins, and more. It commenced on 10 September and will be open to players until 26 September.
Obtaining Moco’s Wing parachute in Free Fire?
The Moco’s Wing parachute is available as part of the Coder’s Crib event, where players need to collect the Coder Cube C1 by completing in-game missions and after-match drops.
Gamers can use these tokens to play the new Pew Pew Pew minigame to earn M coins that they can redeem for various rewards from the Horizon Store.
The list of items available in the Horizon Store are as follows:
0% Progress
- Moco Month Pin: 200 M Coin
- Bonfire: 15 M Coins
- Summon Airdrop: 15 M Coins
- Scan: 15 M Coins
25% Progress
- Pet Food
- Armor Crate
- Supply Crate
- Pet Skin: Cyber Falco
50% Progress
- Moco’s Wings parachute
- Random Loadout Loot Crate
- 1x Gold Royale Voucher
75% Progress
- 1x Diamond Royale Voucher
- 1x Weapon Royale Voucher
The rewards for 100% progress have not yet been revealed.
Readers can go through these steps to access the event in Free Fire:
Step 1: First, players need to open the event interface and then select the Pew Pew Pew mini-game to earn M Coins
Step 2: Next, they can tap on the icon present beside the deciphering bar to open the Horizon Store.
Step 3: Gamers can redeem the items of their choice.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.