As December began, every Free Fire/Free Fire MAX player was excited for the release of the free Elite Pass. At the same time, many were eagerly waiting for the release of the 'Hall of Elites' event. Fans can now rejoice as the highly anticipated event has finally begun.
The Hall of Elites event is a part of the 'Goodbye EP' series and has brought back some of the rarest in-game items that were featured in the initial Elite Pass seasons, including the Sakura Bundle. However, the rewards featured in the latest Free Fire MAX event will cost an undesignated amount of diamonds.
Today's article will reveal how readers can get the Elite Pass Season 1 costume set, i.e., Sakura aka Way of Bushido Bundle, in Free Fire MAX.
Way of Bushido Bundle in Free Fire MAX: How to grab the rare item of the Elite Pass Season 1

The Hall of Elites event, alongside the Way of Bushido Bundle, became available in-game on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. The event is expected to remain active for 11 days before going offline on December 31, 2022. Hence, players should have ample time to grab the popular Sakura Bundle.
Besides the Way of Bushido, aka Sakura Bundle, the Hall of Elites event has also introduced the second EP Season 1 costume set, the Wafuku Bundle. Interested fans should fill their wallets with a sufficient amount of diamonds before trying to obtain either of these rare outfit sets or any other reward from the Hall of Elites event.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how one can access the Hall of Elites event and obtain rare rewards from it:
Step 1: Launch the Free Fire MAX app on your device.
Step 2: Log in with your desired alternative or platform and tap the screen to enter the game.
Guest account users will lose their in-game progress after uninstallation or updates. Hence, you must ensure to bind your account before purchasing diamonds to safeguard your data, collections, purchases, and more. Furthermore, doing so will assist you in synchronizing Free Fire and FF MAX.
Step 3: Click on the banner pop-up in the main screen lobby to access the Hall of Elites. Alternatively, if you don't get any pop-ups, you can access the event through the game's Luck Royale section.
Step 4: On the Hall of Elites event tab in the Luck Royale section, you can view all of the different rewards before making spins.
Each spin is priced at 40 diamonds, while 11 turns at a time will cost 400 diamonds. Players will have to keep making spins until they receive the Season 1 Elite Pass outfit sets, i.e., Way of Bushido (Sakura) and Wafuku Bundles.
Unfortunately, the price of these sets are not fixed, and players can even end up using thousands of diamonds, which players must keep in mind before participating in the Hall of Elites event.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.