A stylish profile, complete with signatures and other customizations, has become common within the Free Fire community. Generally, players try to incorporate unique text into their signatures to attract anyone who visits their profile.
There are numerous ways a signature can be made attractive, with colored signatures being one of the most popular alternatives. Such signatures can essentially be generated by employing the hex codes corresponding to the various colors.
However, the vast majority of users that are relatively new won’t be aware of the process of creating a colorful signature, leaving them searching for the steps. If you fall into this category, the information in the following section will walk you through the procedure in its entirety.
How to create a colorful signature in Free Fire
You won’t have to spend any diamonds updating your signature in Free Fire, and you may do it as often as you like. To obtain a colorful signature, follow the steps given below:
Step 1: You may start the process by opening the game on your device and heading to the in-game profile section.

Step 2: After your Free Fire ID is on the screen, tap on the “Gear” icon to open the Player Info dialog box.

Step 3: Once the particular dialog box opens up, click on the “Signature” section and enter the hex code of the color you desire.
Each color has its code; for instance, if you want blue, you may use the code “0000F.” It is also vital to remember that you must insert these codes in square brackets next to the signature’s content.
Step 4: After the code is entered into the text field, you may tap on the “OK” button to complete the process. You will now have a colorful signature within Garena Free Fire.
Another thing to note is that you won’t see the colorful signature on your profile; it will only be visible to other gamers who visit it. Hence, do not get confused after you enter the hex code.
Hex codes to use for different colors
As previously stated, each color will have its own unique code. The following are some hex codes that players may use to acquire a colorful signature in Free Fire:
- Blue – [0000FF]
- Green – [008000]
- Red – [FF0000]
- Yellow – [FFFF00]
- Black – [000000]
- Purple – [800080]
- Pink – [FFC0CB]
- White – [FFFFFF]
- Cyan – [00FFFF]
- Orange – [FFA500]
- Crimson – [DC143C]
- Grey – [808080]
- Lime – [00FF00]
- Silver – [C0C0C0]
- Lightcoral – [F08080]
- Olive – [808000]
- Tan – [D2B48C]
- Green – [008000]
- Magenta – [FF00FF]
- Brown – [A52A2A]
- Teal – [008080]
- Maroon – [800000]
- Beige – [F5F5DC]
- Gold – [FFD700]
- Dark Green – [006400]
- Dark Blue – [00008B]
- Aqua – [00FFFF]
Players may easily discover codes for more colors on the internet in addition to the ones stated above.
They may also add symbols to their signatures to make them even more stylish and attractive. Click here to find a list of symbols to use.
Disclaimer: Free Fire is banned in India, so players belonging to the nation are recommended to avoid playing or downloading the game on their devices. Nonetheless, they may continue to enjoy the MAX version, which wasn’t included in the list of prohibited applications.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.