Garena has added a lot of content to Free Fire as a part of the ongoing Booyah Day celebrations. Among the latest releases is the Who’s the Booyah Champ emote, which was introduced via a new Faded Wheel event. It will make an amazing addition to anyone's in-game collection, and users who are looking forward to obtaining it should surely shell out diamonds.
The Faded Wheel additionally features a few other rewards like skins, weapon loot crates, and more. Thus, users will definitely get some return on the in-game currency they choose to spend.
Have a look at the following section for a detailed guide on obtaining the Who’s the Booyah Champ emote in Free Fire.
How to get Who’s the Booyah Champ emote in Free Fire from Faded Wheel
The Who’s the Booyah Champ emote is a themed Booyah-day emote, and was added to the game on November 17, 2024. Like other emotes, it makes your character perform a specific action, and players can use it on the battlefield.
The new Faded Wheel event will remain active until November 25, 2024, so users have around a week to get their hands on the Who’s the Booyah Champ emote in Free Fire. To get started, they must remove two items from the prize pool. We recommend removing the loadout items since they can be easily obtained through other means.
Once the items are removed, the game will confirm the final prize pool before asking players to make spins for rewards. Each reward a player obtains will get greyed out on the board and won’t be repeated. As a result, individuals can get all possible rewards within eight spins.
It is crucial to specify that the cost of spins will increase with each subsequent one. The first spin costs nine diamonds, while the final one has a price tag of 499 diamonds. Hence, we recommend players consider their in-game budget before investing in the Faded Wheel event. This way, players with limited diamonds can save them to use in other events like the Mystery Shop, which will give them more bang for their buck.
Steps to get Who’s the Booyah Champ emote in Free Fire
If you are interested in the Who’s the Booyah Champ emote, follow these steps to obtain it:
Step 1: Begin by accessing the Luck Royale section of the game before navigating to the Booyah Champ Faded Wheel event.
Step 2: Then, remove two items from the prize pool.
Step 3: For the final step, make spins by spending diamonds to obtain the rewards.
You will be able to get the Who’s the Booyah Champ emote in Free Fire within eight spins. You may then equip it from the in-game “Vault” section.
Read more: How to get Woodpecker - Deity Menace in Free Fire
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